I want to insert my data into a table depending on the value I select from the drop down.
Actually I have two tables, Categories
and Products
. Both are interlinked with CategoryID
Now I have a form through this I am trying to add a product. I have a dropdown for categories. I will select a category from the dropdown and then I will add related products to that category.
获取窗体数据后, 我从 CategoryID
的表格中找到了这样的表格 :
include( includes/conn.php );
if (isset($_POST[ submit ]))
$CategoryName = $_POST[ cat ];
echo $CategoryName;
$ProductName = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST[ ProductName ]));
$ProductCode = $_POST[ ProductCode ];
$Specification = $_POST[ Specification ];
$Description = $_POST[ Description ];
$CostPrice = $_POST[ CostPrice ];
$DisplayPrice = $_POST[ DisplayPrice ];
$ProductID = $_POST[ ProductID ];
$Productimage = $_POST[ ProductImage ];
$sql = "select * Categories";
$result = mysql_query ($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$Category_ID = $row[ CategoryID ];
after this I am not getting how to do. Except that condition my code inserts the record successfully. my complete code withouth selecting the categoryid like this
include( includes/conn.php );
if (isset($_POST[ submit ]))
$ProductName = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST[ ProductName ]));
$ProductCode = $_POST[ ProductCode ];
$Specification = $_POST[ Specification ];
$Description = $_POST[ Description ];
$CostPrice = $_POST[ CostPrice ];
$DisplayPrice = $_POST[ DisplayPrice ];
$ProductID = $_POST[ ProductID ];
$Productimage = $_POST[ ProductImage ];
if ($ProductName == || $ProductCode == || $Specification == || $Description == || $CostPrice == || $DisplayPrice == )
echo "Please fill in all required fields";
renderForm($ProductID, $ProductName, $ProductCode, $Description, $Specification, $CostPrice, $DisplayPrice, $error);
$sql = "INSERT into Products SET ProductName= $ProductName , ProductCode= $ProductCode , Specification = $Specification , Description = $Description , CostPrice = $CostPrice, DisplayPrice = $DisplayPrice, ProductImage = $ProductImage ";
mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
echo " Successfully Added ";
//header("Location: view.php");
renderForm( , , , , , , , , );