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原标题:Implementing BDD with webdriver API (JBehave+Webdriver)

I m trying to enhance my Webdriver script by implementing a BDD framework. I came to know about JBehave (JBehave+Webdriver) but before going ahead with this I have my concern over how much java code implementation is needed because I m mainly into automation testing. As per my perception JBehave works in three steps:

  1. Adding Story files
  2. Implementing the story files into Java (I m having problem with this step)
  3. Implementing Webdriver calls.

使用这个方法, 如果我有用户故事, 例如注册处在应用程序中, 那么:

  • Implement User Story
  • Implementation in java- Implement the complete authentication logic in Java
  • Implementing webdriver- Automate the user actions

另一个例子 : 我有一个用户故事, 执行特定的工作流程 & amp; 需要在 5-6 页上进行一系列操作, 然后我需要执行/ 模拟 java 代码 。




  1. Write story (Plain text)
  2. Map steps to Java method (POJO)
  3. Configure stories (only once)
  4. Run stories (with any of: Ant, Maven, JUnit, Eclipse, IntelliJ)
  5. View Reports (HTML)

You can visit for details of jbehave: http://jbehave.org/

You can visit the following for tutorial example: https://github.com/jbehave/jbehave-tutorial


  1. 写一个描述系统某种理想行为的故事。 这个故事必须按照 < a href=> http://jbewhere.org/ reference/stable/ grammar.html" rel="nofollow" > JBehaves DSL 来写。 故事基本上描述了一个 Give/ When/ then 流中的一系列步骤 。

  2. 执行 pava 代码中的 GED/ 时间/ 时间/ 之后步骤, 包括针对 Webdriver API 写入代码, 以便与测试中的应用程序互动 。

  3. 运行故事并分析结果。 它要么通过,要么失败。


jbehave works in one way and does not rely on presence or absence of webdriver if you want to get how-to "in one page" you can look here

Java BDD框架http://java.dzone.com/articles/brief-compararison-bdd - 对我来说,JBeave和Cucumber是最好的选择,因为拥有大型和活跃的社区。

如果您在“ 纯” Java 中执行故事文件有困难, 那么您应该给 < a href=" "http://paulcwarren.github. io/ ginkgo4j/" rel=" nofollow noreferrer" > Ginkgo4j a try. 这是一个 Java Port of RSpec, 允许您在 Java 中测试 RSpec 。

在您的 POM 中添加此依赖关系 :


创建 JUM 测试大小写, 指定 Ginkgo4jRunner 跑者 :

@Ginkgo4jConfiguration(threads = 1)
public class MyTest {
    Describe("ClassUnderTest", () -> {
      Context("#Method", () -> {
        BeforeEach(() -> {
          // before test logic          
        JustBeforeEach(() -> {
        Context("given a context", () -> {
          It("should do something", () -> {
            // assertions
        Context("given a different context", () -> {
          It("should do something else", () -> {
            // assertions
        AfterEach(() -> {
          // after test logic

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