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原标题:A two-user tic tac toe using JSF
  • 时间:2012-05-25 16:30:45
  •  标签:
  • java
  • jsp
  • jsf

I m trying to write a two-user tic tac toe using JSF technology. From the books and tutorials I ve read I understand how JSF s work and how to write a web-app for one user to use, say a Celsius to Fahrenheit converter or something like that.




您正在寻找ajax推送。标准JSF组件库并不支持它,因为到目前为止,实现依赖于servletcontainer,而JSF被设计为独立于servletcontainer。未来的Servlet 3.1规范(Java EE 7的一部分)将引入websockets支持,从而允许标准化的推送可能性。未来的JSF 3.0可能会支持它。





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