English 中文(简体)
原标题:Partial receipt of packets from socket C++





  1. TCP connection doesn t operate with packets or messages on the application level, you re dealing with stream of bytes. From this point of view it s similar to writing and reading from a file.
  2. Both send and recv can send and receive less data than provided in the argument. You have to deal with it correctly (usually by applying proper loop around the call).
  3. As you re dealing with streams, you have to find the way to convert it to meaningful data in your application. In other words, you have to design serialisation protocol.


  • 如果你能想出一个消息中不存在的字符,它可能是你的分隔符。然后,您可以阅读流,直到到达角色,这将是您的消息。如果传输ASCII字符(字符串),可以使用零作为分隔符。

  • 如果您传输二进制数据(原始整数等),所有字符都可以出现在您的消息中,因此没有任何字符可以作为分隔符。在这种情况下,最常见的方法可能是使用包含消息大小的固定大小前缀。此额外字段的大小取决于消息的最大大小(使用4个字节可能是安全的,但如果你知道最大大小是多少,你可以使用较低的值)。那么你的数据包看起来就像SSSS|PPPPPPPPP(字节流),其中S是附加大小字段,PP字节数由SS字节)开头,因此您可以将它们读取为32位整数。一旦知道封装消息的大小,就可以读取所有P字节。处理完一个数据包后,您就可以从套接字中读取另一个了。




bool recv_full(int sock, char *buffer, size_t size)
  size_t received = 0;
  while (received < size)
    ssize_t r = recv(sock, buffer + received, size - received, 0);
    if (r <= 0) break;
    received += r;

  return received == size;


uint16_t msgSize = 0;
char msg[0xffff];

if (recv_full(sock, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&msgSize), sizeof(msgSize)) &&
    recv_full(sock, msg, msgSize))
  // Got the message in msg array
  // Something bad happened to the connection






std::vector<char> read_packet(int N) {
  std::vector buffer(N); 
  int total = 0, count;
  while ( total < N && (count = recv(sock_fd, &buffer[N], N-total, 0)) > 0 )
    total  += count;
  return buffer;

    std::vector<char> packet = read_packet(8);


int read_int() {
  std::vector<char> buffer = read_packet(sizeof (int));
  int result;
  memcpy((void*)&result, (void*)&buffer[0], sizeof(int));
  return result;

  int length = read_int();
  std::vector<char> data = read_buffer(length); 

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