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原标题:In an acceptance test, how do I know when my asynchronous events are?



I started out just waiting for fixed amount of time - but I that was always just a fudge. And now, I m hooking in to the tail events and moving on when they have all finished. But I can see this becoming v. complex as the system grows.







eventEmitter.on( someEvent , function(some, data, callback) {
    function(cb) { firstAsyncThing(some, cb); },
    function(cb) { secondAsyncThing(data, cb); }
  ], function(err, results) {
    // called when all functions passed in the array have their `cb` called
    callback(err, results);


eventEmitter.emit( someEvent ,  some ,  data , function(error, results) {
  // the event has been fully handled


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