I recently installed MS SQL Server 2012. I thought it would be a great database software. But after 2 days trail, I found it is not that good as what I thought.
As you can see, every time when I run my project from VS 2010, VS always complains of the .ldf file is being used by another process.(which is the SQL Server 2012) And then I have to disable the SQL Server service from the Service in the Computer Management, so the program can be compiled successfully.
But when the project is running, it requires the SQL Server service running, as some code needs to get access to the database and modify data. Then I have to enable the SQL service.
It s really annoying. It didn t perform like this when I was using SQL Server 2008.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<hostingEnvironment shadowCopyBinAssemblies="false"/>
And then I clean the whole solution and rebuild the whole solution, errors remain.