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原标题:Determining which resource is causing SSL warning in chrome










ssl on login form?

I have SSL on my website....when the user logs in from a http page the form action is sent to https page, would this still secure the posted data? Or would it be better to have the form and the page ...

SSL slowness in EC2

We ve deployed our rails app to EC2. In our setup, we have two proxies on small instances behind round-robin DNS. These run nginx load balancers for a dynamically growing and shrinking farm of web ...

Why can t I find the truststore for an SSL handshake?

I m using the Spring RESTTemplate on the client side to make calls to a REST endpoint. The client in this case is a Spring app and Tomcat is the servlet container. I m running into issues making a ...

To add more parameter for my http header for SSL/TLS

As far as I understand, https is http plus SSL/TLS. What do I need to do if I want to add 3 more parameters for the header? I found a file inside Mozilla s NSS - ssl3ext.c, but I don t understand it ...

Why am I getting handshake_failure with Java SSL cert?

I m trying to use Hudson (which uses SVNKit) to access a Subversion repository that requires a client certificate to access it. I can access the same repository using the same client certificate via ...
