English 中文(简体)
在每页页载量上运行我的脚本, *包括* AJAX页载量?
原标题:Run my script on each page load, *including* AJAX page-loads?

我想推迟一个特定网页(这里指的是Google)的页面浏览时间, 以便用户在倒计时计时完成之前无法查看网页。

这个问题受到启发"http://xkcd.com/862/" rel="nofollown noreferrer">>xkcd ,类似的问题是"https://stackoverflow.com/ questions/5043233/javascript-page-load-delay-flue-of-com-set-pages" >“特定页面的积页延迟”

我尝试过一个修改版本的 Jonathan s Greasemonkey 脚本(见下文),

如果Google在一个新标签中打开,或者用户从Google的链接中打开,然后返回,脚本又会再次打开。 但是,如果用户从不远离Google(比如,他们在每个搜索结果的简短摘要中找到了他们所寻找的答案,然后只是搜索其它东西),他们可以毫不迟延地搜索。

是否有办法迫使延迟屏幕在每次搜索后出现(而不是每次访问页面后出现)? -- -- 最好使用Greasemonkey或铬插件?

Script currently used:
(first sets blocked addresses to a value of "1" and all other addresses to a value of "0," then, if block>0, the script kicks in...)

    // Note: This doesn t actually stop the page from loading, but hides it, so you know its 
    // there, waiting; The dopamine of internet candy becomes a torture.  Better to clean 
    // your room or open an irb prompt instead.
    window.seconds = 30;

    function resetCountDown()
        seconds = 30;

    // You can has cybersauce
    window.clearDelay = function()
        document.getElementById( eightSixTwoDelay ).style.display =  none ;

    var overlay = document.createElement( div );
    overlay.id =  eightSixTwoDelay ;
    overlay.style.backgroundColor =  #000 ;
    overlay.style.color =  #FFF ;
    overlay.style.fontSize =  56px ;
    overlay.style.fontFamily =  Helvetica, Arial, Sans ;
    overlay.style.fontWeight =  bold ;
    overlay.style.textDecoration =  none ;
    overlay.style.position =  absolute ;
    overlay.style.top =  0px ;
    overlay.style.left =  0px ;
    overlay.style.width =  100% ;
    // clientHeight changes as content loads, and JS, like the PHX Valley Metro system, does not wait for you to run.
    overlay.style.height = document.body.clientHeight +  px ; // 100% ; 
    overlay.style.paddingTop =  10px ;
    overlay.style.paddingLeft =  10px ;
    overlay.style.textAlign =  left ;
    overlay.style.zIndex =  10000 ; // OVER 9000

    overlay.addEventListener("click", resetCountDown, true); // THERE IS NO ESCAPE

    document.getElementsByTagName( body )[0].appendChild(overlay);

    window.displayDelay = function()
        if (seconds > -1)
            document.getElementById( eightSixTwoDelay ).innerHTML =  Page ready in   + seconds +   seconds. ;
            seconds -= 1;
            setTimeout(window.displayDelay, 1000);

    window.onload = displayDelay();


当输入新的搜索时, Google 礼貌地更改了 URL 和新页面中的 AJAXing 。 所以, 倾听 < code> hashchange 事件, 以确定新搜索的运行时间 。

该脚本上的一些随机笔记 :

  1. Use @run-at document-start so that the blanking starts as soon as possible.
  2. The overlay should be position: fixed;.
  3. Avoid setting global or window. scope variables, AMAP.

以下是一个完整的脚本, 空白页面在每次新的 Google 搜索 :

// ==UserScript==
// @name        _Delay a page display, a la XKCD
// @namespace   _pc
// @match       http://*.google.com/*
// @run-at      document-start
// ==/UserScript==

/*--- Blank the screen as soon as the DOM is available, and also whenever
    the URL (hashtag) changes -- which happens when "new" pages are loaded
    via AJAX.
window.addEventListener ("readystatechange",    FireWhenReady,          true);
window.addEventListener ("hashchange",          blankScreenForA_While,  true);

function FireWhenReady () {
    this.fired  = this.fired || false;

    if (    document.readyState != "uninitialized"
        &&  document.readyState != "loading"
        &&  ! this.fired
    ) {
        this.fired  = true;
        blankScreenForA_While ();

function blankScreenForA_While () {
    /*  Note: This doesn t actually stop the page from loading, but hides it,
        so you know its there, waiting; The dopamine of internet candy becomes
        a torture.
        Better to clean your room or open an irb prompt instead.
    //--- Settings:
    var pageDelaySeconds    = 5;
    var overlayID           = "gmEightSixTwoDelay"

    //--- One-time setup, for each new "page", START:
    function resetCountDown () {
        blankScreenForA_While.secondsRemaining  = pageDelaySeconds;
    resetCountDown ();

    function createOverlay () {
        var overlay                 = document.getElementById (overlayID);
        if (overlay) {
            overlay.style.display   =  block ;  // Un-hide.
        overlay                     = document.createElement ( div );
        overlay.id                  = overlayID;
        overlay.style.cssText       = "                                 
            font:                   bold 56px Helvetica,Arial,Sans;     
            text-decoration:        none;                               
            position:               fixed;                              
            top:                    0;                                  
            left:                   0;                                  
            width:                  100%;                               
            height:                 100%;                               
            z-index:                10000;  /* OVER 9000 */             
            margin:                 0;                                  
            overflow:               hidden;                             
            color:                  pink;                               
            background:             lime;                               
            line-height:            1.5;                                
            padding:                1em;                                
            text-align:             center;                             

        //--- Only use innerHTML the one time.
        overlay.innerHTML           =  Go do something important!<br> 
                                    +  Page ready in <span></span> seconds. 

        // THERE IS NO ESCAPE.
        overlay.addEventListener( "click", resetCountDown, true);

        document.body.appendChild (overlay);
    createOverlay ();

    //--- One-time setup, for each new "page", :END

    // You can has cybersauce
    function clearDelay () {
        document.getElementById (overlayID).style.display =  none ;

    function displayDelay () {
        if (blankScreenForA_While.secondsRemaining > -1) {
            var displaySpan         = document.querySelector (
                                        "#" + overlayID + " span"
            displaySpan.textContent = blankScreenForA_While.secondsRemaining;

            setTimeout (displayDelay, 1000);
        else {
            clearDelay ();
    displayDelay ();

}//-- End of: blankScreenForA_While()

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