English 中文(简体)
原标题:Missing Separator Make Error
  • 时间:2012-05-27 21:03:41
  •  标签:
  • makefile
$(foreach name, $(patsubst lib%.a,%,$(LIBS)), 
          $(eval lib$(name).a : lib$(name).a($$($(name)_OBJS))))

在上述直线中显示丢失分隔符时失败 。

:68: *** missing separator.  Stop.

http://www.gnu.org/ software/ make/manual/make. html#Archive-members" rel=“no follow”>GNUMake 手册:

To specify several members in the same archive, you can write all the member names together between the parentheses. For example:

 foolib(hack.o kludge.o)


 foolib(hack.o) foolib(kludge.o)

然而,这似乎并不适用于先决条件(GNUMake 3.8.2):

# This works:
     flib: foolib(hack.o) foolib(kludge.o)

# This doesn t:
     flib: foolib(hack.o kludge.o)

所以我们只需要稍作修改(使用 @Neils捷径和小心处理括号):

# Change this:
$(foreach name, $(LIBS:lib%.a=%), 
  $(eval lib$(name).a : lib$(name).a($$($(name)_OBJS))))

# to this:
lparen := (
rparen := )

$(foreach name, $(LIBS:lib%.a=%), 
  $(eval lib$(name).a : $($(name)_OBJS:%=lib$(name).a$(lparen)%$(rparen))))


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