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原标题:Hibernate criteria JOIN + additional condition (with clause) don t work with many-to-many association

我试图用冬眠标准给加入条款增加附加条件。 事实上,有些方法允许这样做:

createCriteria(String associationPath, String alias, int joinType, Criterion withClause)

createAlias(String associationPath, String alias, int joinType, Criterion withClause) 

They work properly with one-to-one 和one-to-many relations. But when I m trying to use them with entities having many-to-many relations, I m getting following error:

Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: No value specified for parameter 1.

Can anybody help me? The rude example is below:

public class Person {

private Long id;

private Set<PersonName> names;


public class PersonName {

private Long id;

private String name;

public class PersonDao extends HibernateDaoSupport {

public List<Person> findByName() {
    Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(Person.class, "p");
    criteria.createCriteria("p.names", "names", JoinType.INNER_JOIN, Restrictions.eq("name", "John"));
    return criteria.list();


select this_.id as y0_ from person this_ 
    inner join debtor_info this_1_ on this_.id=this_1_.id 
    left outer join person_person_name personname3_ on this_.id=personname3_.person_id 和( name1_.name=? ) 
    left outer join person_name name1_ on personname3_.person_name_id=name1_.id 和( name1_.name=? )



BTW Im 使用后gresql 9, Hhibernate 3.6.3


This is a bug HHH-7355 Hibernate criteria JOIN + additional condition (with clause) don t work with many-to-many association and it will not be fixed because Hibernate Criteria API is deprecated and you should use JPA Crtiterias. You can try to use HQL with clause

from Cat as cat
left join cat.kittens as kitten
    with kitten.bodyWeight > 10.0

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