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Java 通用名对 C #, 其中关键词 [关闭]
原标题:Java generics vs C# where keyword [closed]

我有一个C#项目的方法 看起来像这个

public T AddEC<T>() where T : EntityComponent, new() {
    if (!HasEC<T>())
      T nComponent = new T();

我最近才开始与爪哇常规军合作, 但我不知道我如何使用这种方法, 或由于语言限制,



http://www.jprl.com/Blog/archive/ development/2007/Aug-31.html


Java type and method constraints are specified using a "mini expression language" within the < and > declaring the generic type parameters. For each type parameter that has constraints, the syntax is:

TypeParameter ListOfConstraints 

Where ListOfConstraints is a & -separated list of one of the following constraints:

  • Specifying a base class or implemented interface on the Generic Type Argument by using: extends BaseOrInterfaceType

( & must be used instead of , because , separates each generic type parameter.)



class GenericClass<T extends Number & Comparable<T>> {
    void print (T t) {
        System.out.println (t.intValue ()); // OK


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