English 中文(简体)
您如何使用 UIAppearance 在 UINAVIGation 栏上对提交按钮进行样式?
原标题:How do you style the submit button on a UINavigationBar using UIAppearance?

我用 < a href=\\ http:// developer. apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UIAppearance_Protocol/Reference/Reference.html" rel=“不随从无损" >UIApperance 。我设法将我所有 < a href=> 中的所有条形按钮都装上< a href=> http:// developer. apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/ referation/UinavigationBar_Class/Reference/Unistavigation/UnivigationBar.html" rel=“nofolfoln nore norereferreferr commissional does a ress remagiage_ recommagiage_ a recoalstal still.

""https://i.sstatic.net/NHvnu.png" alt="此处的内置图像描述"/"

NSDictionary* normalStyle = [NSDictionary 
            [UIColor navigationTextNormalColor],
            [UIColor whiteColor],
            , nil

[[UIBarButtonItem appearanceWhenContainedIn:[UINavigationController class], nil] 

[[UINavigationBar appearanceWhenContainedIn:[UINavigationController class], nil] 
    setTintColor:[UIColor navigationBarTintColor]


< a href=>http:// developmenter.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/MessageUI/Reference/MFMAILOUTOS View_class/Reference/Reference/Reference.html>http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/MessageUI/Reference/MFMAILCompososeViversion_central_clas/Reference/Reference.html

Important The mail composition interface itself is not customizable and must not be modified by your application. In addition, after presenting the interface, your application is not allowed to make further changes to the email content. The user may still edit the content using the interface, but programmatic changes are ignored. Thus, you must set the values of content fields before presenting the interface.

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