我想用蒙戈德字更新一些数据 我的逻辑如下:
#find the specific document with "md5,time,size",
if collection.find({"src_md5":file_md5,"src_time":file_time,"src_size":file_size}).count() == 0:
#if not found
# find the idx,if idx is not yet exist,set idx equa 1
if collection.find({},{"idx":1}).count() == 0:
idx = 1
#if idx is alread there, sort idx and get the biggest idx
idx = collection.find({},{"idx":1}).sort( idx ,-1).limit(5)[0][ idx ]
idx = idx + 1
#insert the info with idx
if not self.insertFileInfo(collection,file_obj,file_md5,file_time,file_size,long(idx)):
return None
#if the specific document with "md5,time,size" is found
#just get the idx with the specific md5
idx = collection.find({"src_md5":file_md5,"src_time":file_time,"src_size":file_size},{"idx":1})[0][ idx ]
return None
i will run the above code in 4 machines,which means 4 process would update mongodb almost simultaneously,how can i ensure the atomic of the operations? my recored schema is
it s not a simple auto increment key,it should be increased when md5,size,time changed,and shuld be insert with them,as a record. i create a compound unique index on {"src_md5","src_time","src_size"},and create a unique index on {"idx"},but before i insert new info, i should get the idx alread exist,then increase it. there are two situation: 1,idx with the specific md5,size,time,if is already exist,just return the idx 2,if not exist, increase idx with 1