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仅在验证成功时才能执行 a4j: commandLink 的完整操作?
原标题:How to execute a4j:commandLink oncomplete only when validation has succeed?

I am using JSF2, Richfaces4 and Spring. I have a command link. On execute I save records and on complete I execute search to display records like following code. Problem is that fireSearch() in oncomplete executes even if there is a validation error in form. I need to execute fireSearch() only when the record get saved successfully.

只有在验证成功之后 我才能完全完成呢?

<a4j:commandLink styleClass="button" action="#{myBean.save}" render="detail_form" execute="@form" oncomplete="fireSearch()">
<span> Save </span>

Richfaces 支持在 oncompreful 属性中基于请求的 EL 评估。 因此您应该能够打印 < a href=" http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/api/javax/faces/context/facesContext.html#isValidationFailed% 28%29"\\\ code> facesContext#isvalidationFailed () , 仿佛它是 JS的条件一样。


oncomplete="if (#{!facesContext.validationFailed}) fireSearch()"


oncomplete="if (false) fireSearch()"




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