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原标题:Good reasons for using #ID s as stylistic hooks
  • 时间:2012-05-25 14:08:33
  •  标签:
  • css

I ve read this Why selecting by ID is not recommended in CSS?

说明为什么使用类而不是 ID s。 许多 devs 去冷火鸡, 拒绝使用 ID s 来选择样式 。




从我所发现的情况来看,那些试图只使用类和属性选择者的人(不是所有人,但多数人)把样式表弄得一团糟。他们最后把所有东西都放上一个类,然后有很长的选择字符串试图移动某个元素,这就是身份选择者闪耀的地方。ID被安装到 CSS是有原因的,使用得当是好的。



You may use ids when you are targeting unique items (you don t want to reuse that particular style) like #header,#footer.
Another good reason to use ids may be if you re a front-end developer thattakes care of some basic javascript too. Javascript access to elements via id is a lot faster than by other chained class names, so for performance reasons , you (as a js developer) might want add an id to your widget that allows you to access that element a lot faster.
For example


比起类似的东西 更快更容易通过js进入

.wrapper .container .sidebar .widget:nth-child(n)

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