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导出闪光到 HTML5, 与 Android2.3 兼容
原标题:Exporting Flash to HTML5, compatible with Android2.3

I would like to create animations compatible with Android2.3, using Adobe Flash Pro CS6. Since I don t want to be dependent on Flash Player on the device, I would like to save the animation as HTML5.

So far, I used Swiffy to convert the swf output to HTML5 but it doesn t run on Android 2.3 device, only on Android 3 and up. I read here that the reason might be that "older android browsers supports SVG, but not inline SVG. Only android 3 and up supports it."

我是一个机器人开发商,不熟悉Adobe Flash Pro, 但我想指示我的图形设计师如何创建动画, 或者当他创建 swf/html5 文件时使用什么设置, 这样他们就可以运行在 Adobe Flash Pro 上 。



您是否看过 < a href=> "http://labs.adobe.com/technology/gedge/" rel="nofollow > Adobe Edge ?


"Adobe® Edge is a powerful, intuitive tool for creating stunning animated and interactive content using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript."

请注意 Adobe 边缘仍然处于 beta 状态。 试一试看看您是否能够在 Flash 中运用您现有的技能 。

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