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我正在开发一个铁路应用程序, 通过进行一系列预估和将结果储存到数据库, 而不是在用户提出要求时进行计算, 从而大大加快这个网站的速度。
(请注意,我所说的是数十万个数据库行数以百万计的迭代。我的估计是,要完成我所能完成的所有计算,我的Macbook Air将花费大约4天时间。 )
My question is this: Would there be any benefit in stripping these calculations out of the Rails / ActiveRecord framework, and complete it all using pure ruby code and no database? Is File I/O going to be just as much of a bottleneck when writing out the results? How would you approach this issue?