English 中文(简体)
原标题:Double Summation in MATLAB and vectorized loops



%WIGNER Computes Wigner-Distribution on an image (difference of two images).
function[wd] = wigner(difference)
%Image size
[M, N, ~] = size(difference);
%Window size (5 x 5)
Md = 5;
Nd = 5;
%Fourier Transform
F = fft2(difference);
%Initializing the wigner picture
wd = zeros(M, N,  uint8 );
lambda =0.02;
value = (4/(Md*Nd));
for x = 1+floor(Md/2):M - floor(Md/2)
    for y = 1+floor(Nd/2):N - floor(Nd/2)
        for l = -floor(Nd/2) : floor(Nd/2)
            for k = -floor(Md/2) : floor(Md/2)
                kernel = exp(-lambda * norm(k,l));
                kernel = kernel * value;
                theta = 4 * pi * ((real(F(x, y)) * (k/M) )+ (imag(F(x, y)) * (l/N)));
                wd(x, y) = (wd(x, y)) + (cos(theta) * difference(x + k, y + l) * difference(x - k, y - l) * (kernel));


Now, my request for you my beloved stackoverflow users is: Can you help me improve these very nasty for loops that take more than its share of time, and turn it into vectorized loops? And will that improvement be of a significant change?



这四个嵌套环基本上正在以滑动邻里风格处理图像中的每个像素。 我立刻想到了 < a href="http://www.mathworks.com/help/toolbox/images/ref/nlfilter.html" rel="nofollown noreferrer" >NLFILLTER 和>IM2COL 功能。


function WD = wigner(D, Md, Nd, lambda)
    %# window size and lambda
    if nargin<2, Md = 5; end
    if nargin<3, Nd = 5; end
    if nargin<4, lambda = 5; end

    %# image size
    [M,N,~] = size(D);

    %# kernel = exp(-lambda*norm([k,l])
    [K,L] = meshgrid(-floor(Md/2):floor(Md/2), -floor(Nd/2):floor(Nd/2));
    K = K(:); L = L(:);
    kernel = exp(-lambda .* sqrt(K.^2+L.^2));

    %# frequency-domain part
    F = fft2(D);

    %# f(x+k,y+l) * f(x-k,y-l) * kernel
    C = im2col(D, [Md Nd],  sliding );
    X1 = bsxfun(@times, C .* flipud(C), kernel);

    %# cos(theta)
    C = im2col(F, [Md Nd],  sliding );
    C = C(round(Md*Nd/2),:);    %# take center pixels
    theta = bsxfun(@times, real(C), K/M) + bsxfun(@times, imag(C), L/N);
    X2 = cos(4*pi*theta);

    %# combine both parts for each sliding-neighborhood
    WD = col2im(sum(X1.*X2,1), [Md Nd], size(F),  sliding ) .* (4/(M*N));

    %# pad array with zeros to be of same size as input image
    WD = padarray(WD, ([Md Nd]-1)./2, 0,  both );

以下是环状版本, 其改进之处为 建议:

function WD = wigner_loop(D, Md, Nd, lambda)
    %# window size and lambda
    if nargin<2, Md = 5; end
    if nargin<3, Nd = 5; end
    if nargin<4, lambda = 5; end

    %# image size
    [M,N,~] = size(D);

    %# frequency-domain part
    F = fft2(D);

    WD = zeros([M,N]);
    for l = -floor(Nd/2):floor(Nd/2)
        for k = -floor(Md/2):floor(Md/2)
            %# kernel = exp(-lambda*norm([k,l])
            kernel = exp(-lambda * norm([k,l]));

            for x = (1+floor(Md/2)):(M-floor(Md/2))
                for y = (1+floor(Nd/2)):(N-floor(Nd/2))
                    %# cos(theta)
                    theta = 4 * pi * ( real(F(x,y))*k/M + imag(F(x,y))*l/N );

                    %# f(x+k,y+l) * f(x-k,y-l)* kernel
                    WD(x,y) = WD(x,y) + ( cos(theta) * D(x+k,y+l) * D(x-k,y-l) * kernel );
    WD = WD * ( 4/(M*N) );

以及我如何测试它(基于我从paper you 之前的

%# difference between two consecutive frames
A = imread( AT3_1m4_02.tif );
B = imread( AT3_1m4_03.tif );
D = imsubtract(A,B);
%#D = rgb2gray(D);
D = im2double(D);

%# apply Wigner-Distribution
tic, WD1 = wigner(D); toc
tic, WD2 = wigner_loop(D); toc
figure(1), imshow(WD1,[])
figure(2), imshow(WD2,[])



这或许不是你们所要求的,但似乎(一眼看)总和的顺序是独立的,而不是 {x,y,l,k},你们可以去{l,k,x,y}。这样做可以使你们通过将内核保留在外环中来评估较少的内核时间。

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