English 中文(简体)
代码化代码化器, 一个从缓存文件夹获取类似配置的阵列的简单方法Name
原标题:Codeigniter a simple way to get config-like array from cache folder

I have some data in array format which I wrote to a file in application/cache folder. Format is:

$extra_data[ some_key ] =  some_data ;

它与网站配置无关, 所以我不想将其放入 < code> application/ config 。 然而, 在某些情况下, 我必须在控制器或模型中找到这个 < code> $extra_ data


(1) (1) 定义控制器中的变量

class pages_model extends CI_Model
  var $extra_data;

(2) 插入缓存文件,并将其与以上变量联系起来,

  function __construct()
     @include_once APPPATH . "cache/extra_data.php";
     $this->extra_data = $extra_data;

3) 获得类变量作为变量,然后使用它:

function func_name()
  $extra_data = $this->extra_data;




Why dont you create a file in config folder that is called cache.php in the file just put the data like this

$config[ some_key ] =  some_data ;


    $this->load->config( cache , TRUE);
    $extra_data = $this->config->item( cache )

我知道它不是配置的东西, 但是既然你把它们放在分开的档案里, 使用它们比较好




$this->load->cache( extra_data );


<?php if ( ! defined( BASEPATH )) exit( No direct script access allowed );

class MY_Loader extends CI_Loader {

    /* Load custom cache values */
    function cache($str =   ) {

        $CI =& get_instance();

        $data = array();
        $path = APPATH . "cache/{$str时 时.php";
        if (file_exists($path)) {

            include $path;
            $data = $extra_data;

        时 时

        $CI->$str = $data;

    时 时

时 时

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