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Xpage - 如何在 Xpage 上显示丰富文本字段图像属性?
原标题:Xpages - How to display richtext field image properties on an Xpage?

I have a notes form with a richtext field in which I embed inline images through Create > Picture. The images are displayed correctly, but no properties are getting displayed. For example, I set caption or title, nothing is shown on the Xpage when previewed. Are this properties supported in Xpages or there is some kind of way to display them?



这些属性不支持。 在 gennacal 中, RichText 的 HTML/ MIME 映射不很精美, 所以您总是会遇到限制 。 您可以查看 GeniiSoft 的 iFiderity, 它会增强 rt- me 转换 。 除非您努力转换一个光学应用程序, 否则最好只使用 mime 而不是 RT 。



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