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列表变量的 wterrafform 标签无效
原标题:terraform tags for list variable not working
  • 时间:2024-07-01 07:39:40
  •  标签:
trying to create aws resources , i get problems in tags , can some one please help but i want to merge tags with local.tags and with the addition tags for the resource creation , i think something to do with list and object , provider "aws" { region = var.aws_region default_tags { tags = local.tags } } locals { tags = { Application = var.stack Owner = var.owner CostCenter = var.cost_center Project = var.stack environmentCode = var.environment_code Environment = var.environment Cmdb = var.cmdb } } data "aws_ssm_parameter" "environment" { name = "/ss/environment" } resource "awscc_elasticache_serverless_cache" "elasticache" { serverless_cache_name = "${data.aws_ssm_parameter.environment.value}-serverless-elasticache" description = "Generic ElastiCache Redis Serverless" engine = "redis" major_engine_version = 7 daily_snapshot_time = "03:00" snapshot_retention_limit = 7 security_group_ids = ["${aws_security_group.elasticache_access.id}"] subnet_ids = module.vpc_data.subnet_ids depends_on = [aws_security_group.elasticache_access] kms_key_id = data.aws_kms_key.ucm.id tags = merge( local.tags, { Name = "${data.aws_ssm_parameter.environment.value}-ucm-elasticache-serverless" "Description" = "ECS security group for ${var.stack} running on ${local.environment}" }, ) } Error: │ Error: Incorrect attribute value type │ │ on main.tf line 68, in resource "awscc_elasticache_serverless_cache" "elasticache": │ 68: tags = merge( │ 69: local.tags, │ 70: { │ 71: "Name" = "${data.aws_ssm_parameter.environment.value}-ucm-elasticache-serverless", │ 72: "Description" = "Elasticache serverless for ucm" │ 73: } │ 74: ) │ ├──────────────── │ │ local.tags is object with 7 attributes │ │ Inappropriate value for attribute "tags": set of object required. Even as per https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/awscc/latest/docs/resources/elasticache_serverless_cache tags = [{ Name = "${data.aws_ssm_parameter.environment.value}-ucm-elasticache-serverless" Description = "Elasticache serverless for ucm" }] Error: Incorrect attribute value type │ │ on main.tf line 68, in resource "awscc_elasticache_serverless_cache" "elasticache": │ 68: tags = [{ │ 69: Name = "${data.aws_ssm_parameter.environment.value}-ucm-elasticache-serverless" │ 70: Description = "Elasticache serverless for ucm" │ 71: }] │ │ Inappropriate value for attribute "tags": element 0: attribute "key" is │ required.
Based on the documentation you linked, the tags seem to need to be provided with: tags = [ { key = "Name" value = "${data.aws_ssm_parameter.environment.value}-ucm-elasticache-serverless" }, { key = "Description" value = "ECS security group for ${var.stack} running on ${local.environment}" } ] In other words, it seems you would need to explicitly define the keyword key for the tag key and value for the tag value. You would have to repeat something similar for the rest of tags you want, but it might work with default_tags as well. Make sure to check that when running terraform plan. EDIT: Since all the tags require having the key and value keys, the local variable can be defined like the following: locals { tags = [ { key = "Application" value = var.stack }, { key = "Owner" value = var.owner }, { key = "CostCenter" value = var.cost_center }, { key = "Project" value = var.stack }, { key = "environmentCode" value = var.environment_code }, { key = "Environment" value = var.environment }, { key = "Cmdb" value = var.cmdb }, }] } Then, in the resource block: tags = toset(merge(local.tags, [ { key = "Name" value = "${data.aws_ssm_parameter.environment.value}-ucm-elasticache-serverless" }, { key = "Description" value = "ECS security group for ${var.stack} running on ${local.environment}" } ]))

