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原标题:Is there a nice way in javascript to removing Falsy values from a javascript object (not an array)?
In JavaScript you have the nice .filter method to remove null or falsy values from arrays. So far I haven t been able to find a method to remove the same from JavaScript Objects. Why would this be? Currently you can create a function for arrays like : function stripNulls(arr) { return arr.filter(Boolean); } Is there a similar function that can be created for JS Objects, or is the way filter works not practical on JS Objects.
The answer to "can I do x to an object" (or an array for that matter) is usually "yes" and it frequently involves some form of reduce. If you want to filter falsy values you could do something like this: function filterFalsy(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, key) => { if (obj[key]) { acc[key] = obj[key] } return acc }, {}) } const testObj = { a: test , b: 321, c: false } console.log(filterFalsy(testObj)) This returns a new object without falsy values and leaves the existing object alone.
WARNING: There are better answers provided here. Also, thanks to comments made below user s should be warned using delete may provide suboptimal performance. Filtering invalid values is a little more complex in objects. At face value this will do what you want: var arr = [ apple , 43, false ]; var trueArr = arr.filter(Boolean); console.log(trueArr); var obj = { title : apple , id : 43, isOrange : false, test : asd }; Object.keys(obj) .filter(key => !obj[key]) .forEach(key => delete obj[key]); console.log(obj); However, this will not iterate over child objects / functions. This logic also directly modifies the original object (which may or may not be desired). That can easily changed by adding this logic to a function like so: function removeFalseyProperties(obj) { Object.keys(obj) .filter(key => !obj[key]) .forEach(key => delete obj[key]); return obj; } var testObj = { title : apple , id : 43, isOrange : false, test : asd }; var trutheyObj = removeFalseyProperties(testObj); console.log(trutheyObj);
If you have lodash installed in your project, you can simply use import _ from lodash ; _.pickBy(obj, Boolean)
falsy values are 0, undefined, null, false, etc. myArray .map(item => { // ... }) // Get rid of bad values .filter(Boolean); By passing Boolean we can remove all the falsy values.

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