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CKEditor 5 微型版本
原标题:CKEditor 5 mini version
the last time i used ckeditor was i think 1 year ago. it was like this. go to their site. select what you want. change toolbar order. select langauge. download zip and use it in your project. now is not like that. it s just give me code to imports those i want and use it in my project. old way was 500KB~2MB based on plugins. now is 22MB wow. now i want to know what should i do? i searched a lot in stackoverflow and other sites and can t find any solution. so forgive me if it s very very simple question i don t know what to do.
i think i found my answer. after looking to ckeditor files i see 3 big files that is around 16MB and 3MB of translations. so in total 19MB. after i search about what is map file i found out that we don t need it unless we want debug our code in production mode. so now we have 3MB JS files that we need to use in production mode. so i think i solved my problem. but still it s not good to load 3MB project when we just need some of the plugins we want. if i am wrong tell me.

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