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将Json 和PHP 一起除去
原标题:scraping JSON with PHP
I have done a lot of HTML scraping using Xpath. But now I have to scrape some JSON and don t know how to do that. The source I want to scrape is : { "ASIN" : "B00DR4LYHY", "FeatureName" : "price_feature_div", "Type" : "JSON", "Value" : { "content" : {"price_feature_div":"
Price: $37.60 & FREE Shipping
"} } } I get this code from: $URL = http://www.amazon.com/gp/twister/ajaxv2?sid=188-4344403-7969026&ptd=OUTERWEAR&json=1&dpxAjaxFlag=1&sCac=1&isUDPFlag=1&twisterView=glance&ee=2&pgid=apparel_display_on_website&sr=1-3&nodeID=1036592&rid=0Q05FXGQJSA20X44DJVG&parentAsin=B00DR4LUQY&enPre=1&qid=1413775191&dStr=size_name%2Ccolor_name&auiAjax=1&storeID=apparel&psc=1&asinList=B00DR4LYHY&isFlushing=2&id=B00DR4LYHY&prefetchParam=0&mType=full&dpEnvironment=softlines ; What I need to get is the price ($37.60) The code I m using , as provided from Venkata is: $URL = http://www.amazon.com/gp/twister/ajaxv2?sid=188-4344403-7969026&ptd=OUTERWEAR&json=1&dpxAjaxFlag=1&sCac=1&isUDPFlag=1&twisterView=glance&ee=2&pgid=apparel_display_on_website&sr=1-3&nodeID=1036592&rid=0Q05FXGQJSA20X44DJVG&parentAsin=B00DR4LUQY&enPre=1&qid=1413775191&dStr=size_name%2Ccolor_name&auiAjax=1&storeID=apparel&psc=1&asinList=B00DR4LYHY&isFlushing=2&id=B00DR4LYHY&prefetchParam=0&mType=full&dpEnvironment=softlines ; $page = file_get_contents($URL); $decoded = json_decode($page); $html = $decoded->Value->content->price_feature_div; $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadHTML($html); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); //frem dom method $elements = $dom->getElementById("priceblock_ourprice")->item(0); //OR use extract it from xpath like below line $priceNode = $xpath->query("//*[@id= priceblock_ourprice ]"); if (!is_null($elements)) { //$priceNode = $elements->item(0); $ourPrice = $priceNode; echo $ourPrice; } I think the best would be to use REGEX but what should the expression look like?
Extraction with PHP $json_string = {"ASIN" : "B00DR4LYHY","FeatureName" : "price_feature_div","Type" : "JSON","Value" : {"content" : {"price_feature_div":"
Price: $37.60 & FREE Shipping
"}}} ; $decoded = json_decode($json_string); $html = $decoded->Value->content->price_feature_div; $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadHTML($html); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); //frem dom method $elements = $dom->getElementById("priceblock_ourprice")->item(0); //OR use extract it from xpath like below line //$priceNode = $xpath->query("//*[@id= priceblock_ourprice ]"); if (!is_null($elements)) { $priceNode = $elements->item(0); $ourPrice = $priceNode; echo $ourPrice; } Extraction in frontend (I used jQuery in below solution) var jsonObj={ "ASIN" : "B00DR4LYHY", "FeatureName" : "price_feature_div", "Type" : "JSON", "Value" : { "content" : {"price_feature_div":"
Price: $37.60 & FREE Shipping
"} } }; //using jQuery we extracted the price var ourPrice = $(jsonObj.Value.content.price_feature_div).find("#priceblock_ourprice").text(); console.log(ourPrice);//"$37.60" is the value you can see in the browser-console Note: I found syntax error at "price_feature_div" html value(in JSON value it should be in single line even it is HTML string). Noticed two line breaks in the HTML.
I think the best would be to use REGEX but what should the expression look like In some cases the regex works better than xpath (for limited size unstructured html text snippets). So you just get the raw data and sticking to the $ you get what you want. $page = file_get_contents($URL); $pattern = /$[d.]+/ ; $preg_match($page, $pattern, $matches); echo price = , $matches[0]; See the working demo.

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