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Laravel 5.6 - 雄辩的创造不会接受阵列
原标题:Laravel 5.6 - eloquent create won t accept array
For some reason the create method won t accept the passed array when I try to create new user. I am getting following error: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field first_name doesn t have a default value (SQL: insert into `users` (`updated_at`, `created_at`) values (2018-05-30 13:24:33, 2018-05-30 13:24:33)) This is the current code: public function storeUser($data, $request) { if($request->hasFile( avatar )) $data[ avatar ] = $this->uploadAvatar($request->file( avatar )); $password = Hash::make($data[ temp_password ]); $data[ password ] = $password; $data[ temporary_password ] = $password; $data[ social ] = Strings::arrayToJson($data[ social ]); // Assign the clinic_id from the select menu (only super admin have the permission to do this) if(Auth::user()->hasRole( super_admin ) && isset($data[ clinic_user ])) $data[ clinic_id ] = (int) $data[ clinic_user ]; // If the admin of the clinic is creating the user we wiil use his clinic_id for the new user if(Auth::user()->hasRole( admin )) $data[ clinic_id ] = Auth::user()->clinic_id; if($this->create($data)){ event(new NewUser($this, $data[ temp_password ])); if(Auth::user()->hasRole( super_admin ) && isset($data[ clinic_owner ])) event(new ClinicUpdate($this)); if(Auth::user()->hasRole( super_admin , admin ) && Auth::user()->id !== $this->id) $user->giveRole($data[ user_role ]); return true; } return false; } User model: belongsTo(Clinic::class); } public function files() { return $this->hasMany( App/Media ); } public function verifyUser() { return $this->hasOne( AppVerifyUser ); } } UserCreateRequest: hasRole( super_admin , admin )) $rules = [ user_role => [Rule::in([ super_admin , admin , user ])], clinic_owner => integer , clinic_user => integer , ]; return array_merge($rules, [ first_name => required|string|max:255 , last_name => required|string|max:255 , email => "required|string|email|unique:users", temp_password => required|string|min:8 , title => integer , gender => [Rule::in([0, 1])], position => string|max:255|nullable , phone => string|max:255|nullable , location => string|max:255|nullable , about => string|nullable , social.* => url|nullable , avatar => nullable|image|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png,gif , ]); } public function attributes() { return [ social.facebook => Facebook , social.twitter => Twitter , social.instagram => Instagram , social.linkedin => Linkedin , temp_password => Temporary Password , ]; } } NewUser event: _user = $user; $this->_tempPass = $tempPass; } /** * Get the channels the event should broadcast on. * * @return IlluminateBroadcastingChannel|array */ public function broadcastOn() { return []; } } UsersController (the store method): public function store(UserCreateRequest $request) { $validated = $request->validated(); $model = new UserQuery; if(!$model->storeUser(XSS::clean($validated, [ avatar ]), $request)){ Session::flash( alert , [ message => Something went wrong. Please try again , type => danger ]); return Redirect::back(); } return redirect( /admin/users ); } This the dd for the data: array:17 [▼ "user_role" => "admin" "clinic_user" => "1" "first_name" => "Sasha" "last_name" => "Miljkovic" "email" => "xxxxxx@xxxxx.com" "temp_password" => "12345678" "title" => "10" "gender" => "0" "position" => "Tester" "phone" => "1234" "location" => "Pirot" "about" => "Maecenas gravida tellus augue, sed mollis quam viverra at. Aenean sit amet dui non eros laoreet porta et nec nisi. Cras lectus justo, porttitor quis mattis nec, ▶" "social" => "[]" "avatar" => "avatar_5b0ea46d2af8d.jpg" "password" => "$2y$10$gxGPBbwS44KHXLn57leRpukX/zu/rX3SSn7jRdM27kvQb9N84CcGa" "temporary_password" => "$2y$10$gxGPBbwS44KHXLn57leRpukX/zu/rX3SSn7jRdM27kvQb9N84CcGa" "clinic_id" => 1 ]
you must pass all required fileds $data[ first_name ] = some name ; the error tell you that the first_name field does not pass you must pass this field and other field are required to prevent this error
You should instantiate User instead, try : (new User())->create($data) If it works replace : $model = new UserQuery; By : $model = new User;

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