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如何在网络服务器上部署 Kotlin Multiplatform WebAssembly 项目?
原标题:How to Deploy a Kotlin Multiplatform WebAssembly Project on a Web Server?
After building the project using JetBrains official Kotlin Multiplatform Wizard and selecting only the Web option, I tried to deploy it on the server but only encountered a white screen. What I Did Project Setup: Used the Kotlin Multiplatform Wizard, choosing the Web option. Build Commands: Ran ./gradlew wasmJsBrowserDevelopmentRun, and the site worked perfectly with the development server running on my browser Ran ./gradlew wasmJsBrowserProductionWebpack to build the production bundle. Directory Structure Post-Build: └── js ├── node_modules ├── package.json ├── packages ├── packages_imported └── yarn.lock Problem My Hosting Provider is strato.de . They provide me a SFTP access where I uploaded the whole build folder, I am then able to specifiy a "home directory" The description of home directory is as follows: In the event of an internal redirection, point your domain to a directory within your web presence. You can either enter a directory directly or click on a directory. Please ensure that a startup file is present in the selected directory (e.g., index.html, index.php). If I upload a basic index.html with some basic text, everything works fine but the index.html of this basic build is showing only a white screen. Question How can I properly deploy this Kotlin Multiplatform project to a standard web hosting environment? It should start the webpack server like it does with the ./gradlew wasmJsBrowserDevelopmentRun command, but on my Server.
You can run: ./gradlew wasmJsBrowserDistribution Then the deployable website files will be located at: composeApp/build/dist/wasmJs/productionExecutable The files include index.html and *.wasm (among others). Instructions available at: https://kotlinlang.org/docs/wasm-get-started.html#generate-artifacts

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