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用于 Java 代码的 Xpath 表达式
原标题:Get result with Xpath Expression to be used in java code
I m unsure why I am not receiving a result for the xpath expression in the image below. I am trying to select the tag to execute a test step in my Selenium Java test script. I have tried every identifier in the circle tag and got the same issue. If you try the my xpath expression below again with a different tag, for example
I receive a result. I was expecting to receive a singularly unique expression to select an item on a webpage using Java and Selenium in my automated test. I have tried multiple expression but to no success.
Try this instead: //*[local-name()= circle ][@class="sapMRbBOut"] SVG elements are not part of the html namespace and need to be accessed by other means (i.e. using local-name()). If you wish dig deeper to understand more here a good place to start is the html spec on embedded content: here

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