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使用 Java RestAssecured 和 Jackson API 的 JSON 阵列获取结果
原标题:Retrieve results from JSON array using Java RestAssured and Jackson API
String jsonResponse = """ [ { "vi": ["Khoá đào tạo miễn phí", 4], "en": ["Free training courses", 4] }, { "vi": ["Miễn phí giao hàng", 2], "en": ["Free delivery", 2] } ] """; From the JSON response above I need to get the values of the key "vi" then store them in a List>. I ve tried using $..vi in https://jsonpath.com/ and got the correct result. When trying the Java code below, however, I always get Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The parameter "vi" was used but not defined. Define parameters using the JsonPath.params(...) function. JsonPath jsonPath = JsonPath.from(jsonResponse); List> perks = jsonPath.get("$..vi"); I do know that RestAssured in Java uses Gpath notation but I m stuck on how to get my code working. I m using Java RestAssured and Jackson API.
The exception you re encountering is because RestAssured and its JSONPath implementation expect parameters to be defined explicitly when used in the path. However, the path you re using does not require parameters, so you might be running into an issue with how the JSONPath expression is interpreted. To achieve the desired result, you can use Jackson to parse the JSON response and then extract the values of the "vi" key. package org.example; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String jsonResponse = """ [ { "vi": ["Khoá đào tạo miễn phí", 4], "en": ["Free training courses", 4] }, { "vi": ["Miễn phí giao hàng", 2], "en": ["Free delivery", 2] } ] """; ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); try { JsonNode rootNode = objectMapper.readTree(jsonResponse); List> perks = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonNode node : rootNode) { JsonNode viNode = node.get("vi"); if (viNode != null) { Map viMap = new HashMap<>(); viMap.put("vi", objectMapper.convertValue(viNode, List.class)); perks.add(viMap); } } // Print the result for (Map perk : perks) { System.out.println(perk); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } pom.xml: 4.0.0 org.example test 1.0-SNAPSHOT 17 17 UTF-8 com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-databind 2.17.1 Output: {vi=[Khoá đào tạo miễn phí, 4]} {vi=[Miễn phí giao hàng, 2]}

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