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Microsoft Power Apps 选择 SP 列表中的 Microsoft Power Apps 选择列 日期格式
原标题:Microsoft Power Apps Choice Column from SP List Date Formatting
I m trying to populate a dropdown box on a power apps customized sharepoint list form with dates from a column in the same list, filtered by the Employee (people picker) that is in the current form. I m using the following for the Items property: Filter( My List , Employee.DisplayName=DataCardValue2.Selected.DisplayName).StartDate This does populate the drop down, but the values are shown as Epoch time. I know how to use math to convert it, but since the result is a table column, I can t figure out how to convert all the returned values over to a normal format (preferably yyyy-mm-dd) You can t simply wrap it all in a Text() function, since that doesn t work on table columns only strings. So how can I get these values into the format I want? Bonus question: how would I get it to populate the dropdown values as StartDate AND EndDate concatenated together?
I managed to work it out with some help on Discord. AddColumns(Filter( My List , Employee.DisplayName=DataCardValue2.Selected.DisplayName), concatColumn, Employee.DisplayName & " " & StartDate & " to " & EndDate).concatColumn

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