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如何在 gmail 中强制显示暗色模式的背景颜色?
原标题:How to force background color in gmail for Dark Mode?
I am working on HTML email templates.I am stuck with forcing background color and text color attributes for Dark mode.My normal inline css is background-color:#f2f2f2 and color:#191919.But in dark mode I want background-color:#ff5f00 and color:#ffffff. I am able to achieve the same in outlook using @media but as said in various blogs to use blend modes for gmail,I am not able to achieve the same.Can anyone help with a HTML template or HTML code? CODE:
Dark mode - System (User Agent Styles)
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I would suggest using the @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) media query and creating a couple classes. Then apply those classes to the elements that should have the darkmode style applied. Example: @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { .darkmode-bg { background-color: #ff5f00 !important; } .darkmode-color { color: #ffffff !important; } } It s hard to answer this without code to test, but that would be what I d suggest. Source. It s also recommended to add these meta tags in your tag to ensure that Dark Mode is enabled in your email for users that have Dark Mode turned on. I hope this helps!

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