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Jinja 模板在条件不满足时添加额外的线条
原标题:jinja template adds extra line when if condition is not satisfied
A for loop in my jinja template is like this {% for m in grp %} abc {{ m.length }} pqr xyz {% if m.flag is defined and m.flag == "f" %} yes f {% endif %} {% for r in uv %} abcdef {% endfor %} {% endfor %} Now the problem is in some members of grp don t have the flag variable. Wherever flag is present, the option true line is getting added properly. But when if condition is not satisfied, it just adds one blank line. These 4 or 5 lines are supposed to be without extra blank lines otherwise the generated config file gets marked as invalid. Can anyone please help me with this?
Q: A blank line is added if the condition is not satisfied. A: See Whitespace Control. Quoting: If you add a minus sign (-) to the start or end of a block (e.g. a For tag), a comment, or a variable expression, the whitespaces before or after that block will be removed. The template below does what you want {% if m.flag is defined and m.flag == "f" %} yes f {% endif -%} For example, given the data grp: - {length: 1, flag: x} - {length: 2} - {length: 3, flag: f} - {length: 4, flag: f} The simplified template from your question {% for m in grp %} {{ m.length }} xyz {% if m.flag is defined and m.flag == "f" %} yes f {% endif %} {% endfor %} adds the blank lines 1 xyz 2 xyz 3 xyz yes f 4 xyz yes f If you use the minus sign {% for m in grp %} {{ m.length }} xyz {% if m.flag is defined and m.flag == "f" %} yes f {% endif -%} {% endfor %} there are no blank lines 1 xyz 2 xyz 3 xyz yes f 4 xyz yes f The condition can be simplified. The template below gives the same result {% for m in grp %} {{ m.length }} xyz {% if m.flag|default( ) == "f" %} yes f {% endif -%} {% endfor %} Example of a complete playbook for testing - hosts: localhost vars: grp: - {length: 1, flag: x} - {length: 2} - {length: 3, flag: f} - {length: 4, flag: f} tasks: - debug: msg: | {% for m in grp %} {{ m.length }} xyz {% if m.flag is defined and m.flag == "f" %} yes f {% endif %} {% endfor %} tags: t1 - debug: msg: | {% for m in grp %} {{ m.length }} xyz {% if m.flag is defined and m.flag == "f" %} yes f {% endif -%} {% endfor %} tags: t2 - debug: msg: | {% for m in grp %} {{ m.length }} xyz {% if m.flag|d( ) == "f" %} yes f {% endif -%} {% endfor %} tags: t3


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