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原标题:How to remove newsletter popup in SoapUi?
  • 时间:2024-07-17 10:31:04
  •  标签:
  • soapui
Every time I start SoapUI the following popup appears: How do I get rid of this popup? I ve tried looking through the settings, but can t find anything appropriate. I would like to have SoapUI start up without displaying the popup. I m using version 5.7.2 of SoapUI.
Apparently the popup disappears when you start to have a project and/or a workspace that are loaded on startup.

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SoapUI Groovy 方言

我试图阅读即将提出的申请,并根据请求中价值分立的3.0作出模拟反应。 我为此使用了以下大写。
