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原标题:NFT Contract Address shows NULL value (deploy.js)
I am new to blockchain development. I am facing one issue in deploy.js, while running npx hardhat run src/backend/scripts/deploy.js --network localhost ideally, it should show something like Deploying contracts with the account: value Account balance: value NFT CONTACT ADDRESS value but it is returning Deploying contracts with the account: 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266 Account balance: 9999992459571303767619n NFT CONTACT ADDRESS undefined i d like to know how to fix this undefined issue, please help deploy.js code async function main() { const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners(); console.log("Deploying contracts with the account:", deployer.address); console.log("Account balance:", await deployer.provider.getBalance(deployer.address)); // Get the ContractFactories and Signers here. const NFT = await ethers.getContractFactory("NFT"); const nft = await NFT.deploy(); // Save copies of each contracts abi and address to the frontend. console.log("NFT CONTACT ADDRESS",nft.address) saveFrontendFiles(nft , "NFT"); } function saveFrontendFiles(contract, name) { const fs = require("fs"); const contractsDir = __dirname + "/../../frontend/contractsData"; if (!fs.existsSync(contractsDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(contractsDir); } fs.writeFileSync( contractsDir + `/${name}-address.json`, JSON.stringify({ address: contract.address }, undefined, 2) ); const contractArtifact = artifacts.readArtifactSync(name); fs.writeFileSync( contractsDir + `/${name}.json`, JSON.stringify(contractArtifact, null, 2) ); } main() .then(() => process.exit(0)) .catch(error => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); }); i tried changing deploy.js file to async function main() { const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners(); console.log("Deploying contracts with the account:", deployer.address); console.log("Account balance:", await deployer.provider.getBalance(deployer.address)); // Get the ContractFactory and Signer here. console.log("Getting the contract factory for NFT..."); const NFT = await ethers.getContractFactory("NFT"); console.log("Deploying NFT contract..."); const nft = await NFT.deploy(); await nft.deployed(); // Ensure the contract is fully deployed console.log("NFT contract deployed to:", nft.address); // Save copies of each contract s ABI and address to the frontend. saveFrontendFiles(nft, "NFT"); } main().catch((error) => { console.error("Error in contract deployment:", error); process.exit(1); }); it shows some error related to nft.deployed not found etc. etc.. Expectations: to get some nft contact address value
Issue is fixed: async function main() { const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners(); console.log("Deploying contracts with the account:", deployer.address); console.log("Account balance:", (await ethers.provider.getBalance(deployer.address)).toString()); const NFT = await ethers.getContractFactory("NFT"); console.log("Deploying NFT contract..."); const nft = await NFT.deploy(); console.log("Waiting for deployment..."); // Wait for the contract to be mined await nft.waitForDeployment(); const nftAddress = await nft.getAddress(); console.log("NFT CONTRACT ADDRESS", nftAddress); saveFrontendFiles(nft, "NFT"); } async function saveFrontendFiles(contract, name) { const fs = require("fs"); const contractsDir = __dirname + "/../../frontend/contractsData"; if (!fs.existsSync(contractsDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(contractsDir); } const contractAddress = await contract.getAddress(); console.log("Contract address:", contractAddress); const addressData = JSON.stringify({ address: contractAddress }, undefined, 2); console.log("Address data to be written:", addressData); const filePath = contractsDir + `/${name}-address.json`; console.log("Writing to file:", filePath); try { fs.writeFileSync(filePath, addressData); console.log("File written successfully"); } catch (error) { console.error("Error writing file:", error); } const contractArtifact = artifacts.readArtifactSync(name); fs.writeFileSync( contractsDir + `/${name}.json`, JSON.stringify(contractArtifact, null, 2) ); } main() .then(() => process.exit(0)) .catch(error => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); });

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