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原标题:Regular Expression Validation For Indian Phone Number and Mobile number
I want to validate Indian phone numbers as well as mobile numbers. The format of the phone number and mobile number is as follows: For land Line number 03595-259506 03592 245902 03598245785 For mobile number 9775876662 0 9754845789 0-9778545896 +91 9456211568 91 9857842356 919578965389 I would like the regular expression in one regex. I have tried the following regex but it is not working properly. {^+?[0-9-]+$}
For land Line Number 03595-259506 03592 245902 03598245785 you can use this d{5}([- ]*)d{6} NEW for all ;) OLD: ((+*)(0*|(0 )*|(0-)*|(91 )*)(d{12}+|d{10}+))|d{5}([- ]*)d{6} NEW: ((+*)((0[ -]*)*|((91 )*))((d{12})+|(d{10})+))|d{5}([- ]*)d{6} 9775876662 0 9754845789 0-9778545896 +91 9456211568 91 9857842356 919578965389 03595-259506 03592 245902 03598245785 this site is useful for me, and maby for you .;)http://gskinner.com/RegExr/
Use the following regex ^(+91[-s]?)?[0]?(91)?[789]d{9}$ This will support the following formats: 8880344456 +918880344456 +91 8880344456 +91-8880344456 08880344456 918880344456
This works really fine: +?d[d -]{8,12}d Matches: 03598245785 9775876662 0 9754845789 0-9778545896 +91 9456211568 91 9857842356 919578965389 987-98723-9898 +91 98780 98802 06421223054 9934-05-4851 WAQU9876567892 ABCD9876541212 98723-98765 Does NOT match: 2343 234-8700 1 234 765
for mobile number: const re = /^[6-9]{1}[0-9]{9}$/;
I use the following for one of my python project Regex (+91)?(-)?s*?(91)?s*?(d{3})-?s*?(d{3})-?s*?(d{4}) Python usage re.search(re.compile(r (+91)?(-)?s*?(91)?s*?(d{3})-?s*?(d{3})-?s*?(d{4}) ), text_to_search).group() Explanation (+91)? // optionally match +91 (91)? // optionally match 91 -? // optionally match - s*? // optionally match whitespace (d{3}) // compulsory match 3 digits (d{4}) // compulsory match 4 digits Tested & works for 9992223333 +91 9992223333 91 9992223333 91999 222 3333 +91999 222 3333 +91 999-222-3333 +91 999 222 3333 91 999 222 3333 999 222 3333 +919992223333
For both mobile & fixed numbers: (?:s+|)((0|(?:(+|)91))(?:s|-)*(?:(?:d(?:s|-)*d{9})|(?:d{2}(?:s|-)*d{8})|(?:d{3}(?:s|-)*d{7}))|d{10})(?:s+|) Explaination: (?:s+|) // leading spaces ((0|(?:(+|)91)) // prefixed 0, 91 or +91 (?:s|-)* // connecting space or dash (-) (?:(?:d(?:s|-)*d{9})| // 1 digit STD code & number with connecting space or dash (?:d{2}(?:s|-)*d{8})| // 2 digit STD code & number with connecting space or dash (?:d{3}(?:s|-)*d{7})| // 3 digit STD code & number with connecting space or dash d{10}) // plain 10 digit number (?:s+|) // trailing spaces I ve tested it on following text 9775876662 0 9754845789 0-9778545896 +91 9456211568 91 9857842356 919578965389 0359-2595065 0352 2459025 03598245785 07912345678 01123456789 sdasdcsd +919898101353 dasvsd0 +91 dacsdvsad davsdvasd 0112776654
You can use regular expression like this. /^[(]+ ++d{2}[)]+[^0]+d{9}/
For Indian Mobile Numbers Regular Expression to validate 11 or 12 (starting with 0 or 91) digit number String regx = "(0/91)?[7-9][0-9]{9}"; String mobileNumber = "09756432848"; check if(mobileNumber.matches(regx)){ "VALID MOBILE NUMBER" }else{ "INVALID MOBILE NUMBER" } You can check for 10 digit mobile number by removing "(0/91)?" from the regular expression i.e. regx
you can implement following regex regex = ^[6-9][0-9]{9}$
All mobile numbers in India start with 9, 8, 7 or 6. Now, there is a chance that you are not bothering about the prefixes (+91 or 0). If this is your scenario, then you can take the help from the website regextester.com or you can use r ^(+91[-s]?)?[0]?(91)?[789]d{9}$ And if you want to validate the Phone number with prefixes(+91 or 0) then use : r ^[6-9]d{9}$ .
r +?(91?|0?)[-s]?[3-9]d{3}[-s]?d{6}$ explanation +? # Start with plus sign or not (91?|0?) # Followed by 91 or 0 or none of them [-s]? # Followed by either - or space, or none of them [3-9] # followed by any number from 3 between 9 d{3} # followed by any three digits d{6} # followed by any six digits $ # specify string should stop at that point
If you re doing text parsing and said numbers are embedded in random places, this regex can be helpful. re.compile(r (?:(?:+91[-.s]?)|(?:91[-.s]?)|(?:0[-.s]?))?(?:d{10}|d{5}[-.s]?d{5}) ) It ignores whitespaces, new lines etc.
You Can Use Regex Like This: ^[0-9-(), ]+$
All Landline Numbers and Mobile Number ^[d]{2,4}[- ]?[d]{3}[- ]?[d]{3,5}|([0])?(+d{1,2}[- ]?)?[789]{1}d{9}$
var phonereg = /^(+d{1,3}[- ]?)?d{10}$/;

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