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发布从文本区块获取城市/州/ Zip 线
原标题:Issue retrieving City/State/Zip line from block of text
我有一大堆含有地址信息的文本块块, 例如 : Fake name Business name 60 N reset Ave. San Jose, CA 95126 (55552555-5555) 电子邮件: emailaddress@ aol.com I need to exip the line with the city/ state/ zip. com I need to exile with the city/ state/ state/ ststline = text.split () ; constregex = / {A- Z] {% 2} / ; for (let i = 0; i < line. later; i+++) { { return lines( lines) { retrim (i) } } } return next;} const StateLine = find StateLine( text) ; relaf. log( stateLine) ; the (st Line);; ex; ex;
You can use this pattern: /^s*([^, ]+)[,]?s+([a-z]{2})s+([0-9]{5})-?([0-9]{4})?/gim Example const regex = /^s*([^, ]+)[,]?s+([a-z]{2})s+([0-9]{5})-?([0-9]{4})?/gim; const str = `San Jose, CA 95126 San Jose, CA 95126 San Jose, CA 95126-1234 San Jose, CA 951261234 san jose CA 951261234 san jose ca 951261234 san jose ca 9512612345`; let m; while ((m = regex.exec(str)) !== null) { if (m.index === regex.lastIndex) { regex.lastIndex++; } m.forEach((match, groupIndex) => { console.log(`${groupIndex}: ${match}`); }); } Details: ^ start of the line. s*: possible spaces. ([^, ]+): extraction of city. [,;]?: possible comma or any similar chars. s+: one or more spaces. ([a-z]{2}): state. ([0-9]{5}): zipcode. -?([0-9]{4})?: possible dash and four other digits in the zipcode.

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