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原标题:Why does tesseract not work in browser with react?
I am new to react and a begginer with node.js. I am trying to create an app that uses the tesseract package, but I m running into a strange error: tesseract_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3___default.a.init is not a function I am using node 12, and using this tutorial for how to use tesseract with react. my app.js file looks like this: import ImageUploader from react-images-upload import React, { useState } from "react"; import Tesseract from "tesseract.js" const UploadComponent = props => (
) const App = () => { const [progress, setProgress ] = useState( getUpload ) const [errorMessage, setErrorMessage ] = useState( ) const onImage = async (failedImages, successImages) => { setProgress( scanning ) try { console.log( successImages , successImages) const parts = successImages[0].split( ; ) const mime = parts[0].split( : )[1] const name = parts[1].split( = )[1] const data = parts[2] console.log("mime: " + mime +", name: " + name + ", data: " + data) const fileUrl = "~/Downloads/"+name console.log("fileUrl: " + fileUrl) let image = new Buffer(data, base64 ); Tesseract.init("eng"); // set image Tesseract.setImage(image); console.log("set image...") Tesseract.recognize({ logger: m => console.log(m) }).then((data) => { console.log(data); }).catch((error) => { console.log("error message: " + error.message) }) } catch (error) { console.log("error in scan: " + error.message) setErrorMessage(error.message) setProgress( uploadError ) } setProgress( scanned ) } const content = () => { switch(progress){ case getUpload : return case scanning : return


case scanned : return


case uploadError : return ( <>
Error Message = {errorMessage}
please upload an image
) } } return (

Text Scanner Website

) } export default App; When I run npm start, and then hit localhost:3000 in my browswer, and then select an image file using my file selector, I get the above error. what am I doing wrong? I thought tesseract was supposed to work nicely in the browser, and that my setup with es6 syntax and webpack was all standard. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you, Paul
Try react-tesseract, A wrapper library for Tesseract.js for easy integration. It provides a React hook useTesseract along with some helper functions. example usage: import React, { useState } from react ; import { useTesseract } from react-tesseract ; const App = () => { const [imageUrl, setImageUrl] = useState( ); const { recognize, error, result, isRecognizing } = useTesseract(); const handleRecognize = async () => { if (imageUrl) { await recognize(imageUrl, { language: eng+ara , // Use English and Arabic errorHandler: (err) => console.error(err), // Custom error handler tessedit_ocr_engine_mode: 1, // Use neural net LSTM engine only tessedit_pageseg_mode: 1, // Assume a single uniform block of text // ... any other Tesseract.js options }); } }; const handleImageChange = (e) => { setImageUrl(URL.createObjectURL(e.target.files[0])); }; return (
{error &&

错误: {error}

} {result &&
); }; export default App;

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