如何在Laravel设立CORS, 以便获得证书和具体来源?
原标题:How to set up CORS in Laravel to allow credentials and specific origins?
I’m working on a Laravel application that needs to handle CORS for requests coming from a Vue 3 frontend. I am encountering a CORS error related to credentials, and I need help configuring CORS correctly in my Laravel backend.
I receive the following error when trying to make an XMLHttpRequest from my Vue application to my Laravel backend:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at from origin has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn t pass access control check: The value of the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header in the response is which must be true when the request s credentials mode is include .
You can handle CORS in Laravel by manually setting the appropriate headers in your middleware. Here s how you can do it:
This solution is for older laravel versions, for laravel 11+, run:
php artisan config:publish cors
and adjust your settings in the cors config
1. Create a Custom Middleware
create a custom middleware that will handle the CORS settings:
php artisan make:middleware HandleCors
2. Configure the Middleware
open the newly created HandleCors.php file and modify it to include the necessary CORS headers:
namespace AppHttpMiddleware;
use Closure;
class HandleCors
* Handle an incoming request.
* @param IlluminateHttpRequest $request
* @param Closure $next
* @return mixed
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$response = $next($request);
$response->headers->set( Access-Control-Allow-Origin , ); // or other domain
$response->headers->set( Access-Control-Allow-Methods , GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS );
$response->headers->set( Access-Control-Allow-Headers , Content-Type, Authorization );
$response->headers->set( Access-Control-Allow-Credentials , true );
// Handle preflight requests
if ($request->getMethod() === OPTIONS ) {
return $response;
return $response;
3. Register the Middleware
Register the middleware in the app/Http/Kernel.php file. You can either add it to the global middleware stack or just to the api middleware group:
protected $middleware = [
// ...
// ...
// OR in the $middlewareGroups for api
protected $middlewareGroups = [
api => [
// ...
4. Clear Configuration Cache (if needed)
If you encounter any issues, clear the configuration cache:
php artisan config:cache
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