我有一个相当老的基于ERB的模板系统。它依赖于存储在数据库中的ERB模板。这些模板会被读取和渲染。当我想从一个模板传递数据到另一个模板时,我使用Rails render方法的:locals参数。为了设置某些模板中这些变量的默认变量,我使用defined? 方法,它简单地告诉我局部变量是否已定义,如果没有,则将它初始化为默认值,如下所示:
unless defined?(perex)
perex = true
I have two questions: Is there any better way other than using defined? which is proving unreliable (was reliable for several years on top Rails 1.6)? Such a way should not result in me rewriting all the templates. I have been going through Ruby docs and was not able to find anything about defined? method. Was it deprecated or am I just plain blind?