English 中文(简体)
原标题:Will it be better to use a framework to design a site or just code it by hand?
  • 时间:2009-09-18 11:18:33
  •  标签:

框架基本上为你提供了你可能需要的许多 st(功能/班级)。 框架不是写你自己的职责,而是用控制者的观点,而是已经写给你。


  • Faster to develop - some of it is already written for you
  • Easier for new hires to learn (if they know the framework) - they will know where things are, how things are structured
  • Less of "your" code - less to write, less to debug, less to maintain


  • Might not do exactly what you want in exactly the way you want
  • More to learn. You know the language, now learn the framework
  • Can bloat your project. Some frameworks come with a lot of stuff - if you re not using it then it s just bloat. Pretty minimal though - what s 10MB or so these days?
  • Can be slow. Some frameworks have a significant overhead

依靠手使你们来做你们想要做的事情,并且利用一个框架,需要从“我怎么做”到“我如何在框架中这样做”。 有时,框架会促使你 as笑,认为这似乎很容易发生,但有许多好处:

  • You get lots of functionality for free
  • You get lots of bug testing and security testing for free
  • The software gets maintained and upgraded by many people
  • You get loads of third party plug ins for free.
  • There is a community of people using it and they may have faced the same problems you will face in the past.
  • You can get commercial support for some frameworks
  • People can be hired who already know what to expect
  • People learn a skill which is transferable which makes them happy.

象德鲁普勒那样做试验。 See what it can do and look at the plugs that are available.

我在三个方面进行了工作,现在与Droupal公司合作,尽管它已经掌握了更好的经验。 在10项功能中,有9次作为模块存在。 核心功能是为你们提供的,并得到了其他人的更新,社区很容易学习。

我将提出一个框架,特别是在开展大规模工作时。 节省你们的时间本身应当有价值,而且产出、功能(例如搜索、援助和安置)的连贯性将比手头更容易,而且可能比作更小。


Maybe the only good time i would use a framework is when the project is too large otherwise its usually safer to hand code your own stuff cause it gives you an edge over what you are doing. Frameworks can also help if you are integrating many different projects at the same time and you save your time instead of hand coding something over and over again. So frameworks are good but one should just decide when and why to use them as the situation requires.

许多人似乎认为,利用一个框架要求你比你自己学习更多的东西。 只有当你已经知道如何构建网络应用,在这种情况下,你可能熟悉一个或多个框架。


在我开始编制方案时,我也用低语言写了我的所有法典。 我从中汲取了许多经验教训,但是如果我使用其他工具,我的方案可能早就完成,质量会提高。

当我开始撰写铁路项目时,我确实学到了很多关于整个建筑和方案规划的内容,我可能只读过其他人的法典才学到这一点。 在学习如何正确使用框架后,我不得不读到许多法典,理解为什么用这种方式书写。

我建议你找到一个良好的框架,并使用这一框架(考虑到地雷)。 即使你自行发言,我也建议你学会如何利用一个框架。 创造环境将比利用现有想法要长得多。
