最新版本的Perl得到了近似支持。 页: 1
$ perl -V:usethreads
usethreads= define
perldoc threads
您可能不希望多面的原因有很多。 然而,如果你想要多面,那么以下法典可作为有用的范例。 它创造了一些工作,使那些工作处于read状态,然后开始一些把工作从胎盘上拉出并完成的工作。 每个校对都把工作从胎盘中拉开,直到再找不到工作。 该方案等待所有准备完成,然后印制了全部工作时间。
use threads;
use Thread::Queue;
use Modern::Perl;
my $queue= Thread::Queue->new;
my $thread_count= 4;
my $job_count= 10;
my $start_time= time;
my $max_job_time= 10;
# Come up with some jobs and put them in a thread-safe queue. Each job
# is a string with an id and a number of seconds to sleep. Jobs consist
# of sleeping for the specified number of seconds.
my @jobs= map {"$_," . (int(rand $max_job_time) + 1)} (1 .. $job_count);
# List the jobs
say "Jobs IDs: ", join(", ", map {(split /,/, $_)[0]} @jobs);
# Start the threads
my @threads= map {threads->create(sub {function($_)})} (1 .. $thread_count);
# Wait for all the threads to complete their work
$_->join for (@threads);
# We re all done
say "All done! Total time: ", time - $start_time;
# Here s what each thread does. Each thread starts, then fetches jobs
# from the job queue until there are no more jobs in the queue. Then,
# the thread exists.
sub function {
my $thread_id= shift;
my ($job, $job_id, $seconds);
while($job= $queue->dequeue_nb) {
($job_id, $seconds)= split /,/, $job;
say "Thread $thread_id starting on job $job_id ",
"(job will take $seconds seconds).";
sleep $seconds;
say "Thread $thread_id done with job $job_id.";
say "No more jobs for thread $thread_id; thread exiting.";
涉及多个过程,可能比处理校对更为容易。 我经常使用Parallel:ForkManager。 这非常简单,但非常好。
它像你一样,不需要先发制人多读;在这种情况下,看POE s cooperation model. 由于你的法典只有在你决定时才会产生其他的线索,而且你当时只剩下一线,所以发展和瓦解将变得更容易。
如果你愿意在有多个核心时加快你的代码,你就会走错的道路。 比其他语文低50x。 改写在两个荷兰邮联的法典意味着现在只有25x年比其他语文低......一个荷兰邮联。 更好地把缓慢部分带至不同语言。