我想知道是否有可能调整JavaMe中垃圾回收器的工作方式,以改善性能(可能减少传递次数)?我看过一些相关文章,但它们大多是针对Java SE的,并且大多数文章都说GC高度依赖制造商。那会有多少影响呢?
谢谢大家的反馈。我已经发现对于支持Java Me的设备,调整GC是不可能的。至少没有任何简单或有用的方法。无论如何,我还是会保持这个问题的开放状态,以防这种情况在未来某个时候发生改变。 :)
把本地缓冲区(byte[], StringBufferUnfortunately, you did not provide the text that needs to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text so I can assist you better.)转化为实例或静态变量(并用synchronized保护它们)。显然这样做有一定的开销,但它可以防止应用程序因过于频繁进行垃圾回收而冻结。
扩展StringBuffer以避免在String和StringBuffer之间来回切换:实现append(String,offset,length),parseInt(int),indexOf(String,index),replace(offset,StringBuffer,offset,length)Unfortunately, you did not provide the text that needs to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text so I can assist you better.
Unfortunately, you did not provide the text that needs to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text so I can assist you better.
- Reduce the garbage that your program produces, by re-using objects, and avoid costly things like string concatenations (use StringBuffer instead)
- Use System.gc() to force garbage collection when a little freeze doesn t matter (for example, during the "loading" screen of a game), to reduce the odds that the collector process is triggered when it s annoying.
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