朋友们希望大家做得很好。 我在把数据从Xml文档中从使用vb.net i.e的数据文档中保存到Sql服务器数据库时面临一个问题,即从DBNull型改为“Sting”并不有效。” 但并不总是出现错误可能基于xml文档。 下面是我的Xml文档之一。 我随机生成Xml文档。
- <Job ID="895562" PositionID="2300056">
<Title>Senior Network Administrator</Title>
- <Summary>
- <![CDATA[ Join a global leader in an exciting Australia and New Zealand role. As the Leader of Technical Support you will be responsible for mentoring and managing a technical team striving to become the technical centre of excellence in the region. A hands on role, you will not only be the technical expert but you will work along side the sales team and directly contribute to the growth of the business. Th
<DateActive Date="2009-10-15T19:06:00-05:00">10/15/2009</DateActive>
<DateExpires Date="2009-11-14T19:06:00-05:00">11/14/2009</DateExpires>
<DateUpdated Date="2009-10-15 19:06:00">10/15/2009</DateUpdated>
<Min Value="90000">90,000.00</Min>
<Max Value="100000">100,000.00</Max>
<Type ID="1">Per Year</Type>
<Currency ID="4">xxx</Currency>
<BuilderFields />
- <Job ID="84000527" PositionID="61383275">
<Title>QA Test Analyst- Banking and Finance</Title>
- <Summary>
- <![CDATA[ Extensive background in QA testing within the finance sector essential ISEB Testing qualification essential About our Client Our client is a leading global banking organisation Job Description In this role you will be responsible for systems integration testing, Quality Assurance and Environment support for a wide variety of technology projects. Responsibilities will include: Working closely with d
<DateActive Date="2009-10-15T18:31:11-05:00">10/15/2009</DateActive>
<DateExpires Date="2009-11-14T20:00:35-05:00">11/14/2009</DateExpires>
<DateUpdated Date="2009-10-15 20:01:00">10/15/2009</DateUpdated>
<Min Value="90000">90,000.00</Min>
<Max Value="100000">100,000.00</Max>
<Type ID="1">Per Year</Type>
<Currency ID="4">xxx</Currency>
<CompanyName>Michael Page International</CompanyName>
<BuilderFields />
<DisplayOptions />
<Job ID="895562" PositionID="2300056">
<Title>Senior Network Administrator</Title>
- <Summary>
- <![CDATA[ Join a global leader in an exciting Australia and New Zealand role. As the Leader of Technical Support you will be responsible for mentoring and managing a technical team striving to become the technical centre of excellence in the region. A hands on role, you will not only be the technical expert but you will work along side the sales team and directly contribute to the growth of the business. Th
<DateActive Date="2009-10-15T19:06:00-05:00">10/15/2009</DateActive>
<DateExpires Date="2009-11-14T19:06:00-05:00">11/14/2009</DateExpires>
<DateUpdated Date="2009-10-15 19:06:00">10/15/2009</DateUpdated>
<Min Value="90000">90,000.00</Min>
<Max Value="100000">100,000.00</Max>
<Type ID="1">Per Year</Type>
<Currency ID="4">xxx</Currency>
<BuilderFields />
Pls. help me to overcome this problem. Thanks in advance. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=
Protected Sub lnkbtnUpload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim fid, filename As String
fid = CType(sender.parent.controls(0).parent.parent.controls(0), TableCell).Text
filename = fid & ".xml"
Dim uploadDS As New DataSet
Dim tempDT As New DataTable
Dim i As Integer
Dim ConeFilePath As String = Nothing
ConeFilePath = "~/CareerOneModifiedFeeds/" & filename.ToString()
tempDT = uploadDS.Tables(0).DefaultView.ToTable
Dim dtRow As DataRow
Dim JobCount As Integer
Dim Count As Integer = 0
Dim strsaltype, strsalcur As String
Dim strMinSal, strMaxSal As String
For i = 0 To tempDT.Rows.Count - 1
Count = Count + 1
dtRow = tempDT.Rows(i)
Code to get the check whether the job id already exists or not
JobCount = Dr.CheckJobIDExists(UserID, Trim(dtRow.Item("JOB_ID")))
Dim FullLoc As String = Replace(dtRow.Item("COUNTRY"), " ", " ").Trim() + "-" + Replace(dtRow.Item("STATE"), " ", " ").Trim()
If dtRow.Item("CITY") <> "" Then
FullLoc = FullLoc + "-" + Replace(dtRow.Item("CITY"), " ", " ").Trim()
End If
If JobCount = 1 Then
Update the record aganist that jobid
DR.UpdateExistingCareerOneJobs_XML(UserID, Trim(dtRow.Item("JOB_ID")), Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("TITLE"), " ", " ")), _
Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("Summary"), " ", " ")), Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("DateActive"), " ", " ")), _
Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("DateExpire"), " ", " ")), FullLoc, Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("COUNTRY"), " ", " ")), _
Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("STATE"), " ", " ")), Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("CITY"), " ", " ")), Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("PostalCode"), " ", " ")), _
Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("BuilderFields"), " ", " ")), Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("DisplayOptions"), " ", " ")), _
Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("AddressType"), " ", " ")), Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("CompanyName"), " ", " ")), _
Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("PositionID"), " ", " ")), Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("SalMin"), " ", " ")), Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("SalMax"), " ", " ")), _
Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("SalType"), " ", " ")), Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("SalCurrency"), " ", " ")), Replace(JobCat, " ", " "), DateTime.Now())
Insert record new jobid
Dim z As Integer = DR.InsertCareeroneJobs_XML(UserID, Trim(dtRow.Item("JOB_ID")), Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("TITLE"), " ", " ")), _
Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("Summary"), " ", " ")), Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("DateActive"), " ", " ")), _
Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("DateExpire"), " ", " ")), FullLoc, Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("COUNTRY"), " ", " ")), _
Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("STATE"), " ", " ")), Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("CITY"), " ", " ")), _
Trim(dtRow.Item("PostalCode")), Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("BuilderFields"), " ", " ")), _
Trim(Replace(Convert.ToString(dtRow.Item("DisplayOptions")), " ", " ")), Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("AddressType"), " ", " ")), _
Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("CompanyName"), " ", " ")), Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("PositionID"), " ", " ")), Trim(strsaltype.ToString()), _
Trim(strsalcur.ToString()), Trim(Replace(Convert.ToString(JobCat), " ", " ")), strMinSal, strMaxSal, DateTime.Now())
Trim(Replace(dtRow.Item("PositionID"), " ", " ")),Trim(strsaltype.ToString()), Trim(strsalcur.ToString()), _
End If
Next i
End Sub