English 中文(简体)
原标题:Converting a JSP to a SharePoint webpart
  • 时间:2009-10-27 16:33:26
  •  标签:

我们拥有大量设在 Java的服务器/传单,它们位于BA门户网站上,我们希望将其转换成2007年SwaPoint网站部分。 许多港口单元使用用户的偏好,但执行工作在港口直接处理的偏好与从门户单独储存在一个数据库中。 另一些则使用BEA网络行程录象仪作为用户偏好。


  1. Has anyone gotten a Java Servlet/JSP (compiled against JRE 1.4.2 and running on Tomcat 4.1) to run as a SharePoint 2007 webpart?
  2. How large of an effort was it in general (as in, was it measured in days/weeks/months)?
  3. Would it be easier to rewrite the portlet as native webparts at least as far as user preferences are concerned?


我们拥有一个显示存货报价的甘蔗。 我们与Tickertech有账户,供他们向我们提供引人的信息。 用户偏好允许人们在私人网页上添加加植被,然后选择个人感兴趣的存货。 也可以选择哪一栏显示。 这是通过 Java本完成的。 选定的存货符号连同标注一并发送,该标注物确认申请来自有效的客户。

最简单的做法是使用网络内容控制,而只是 Java本。 这一工作,但用户无法改变涉及Tickertech的股票标志或其他优惠。

下一步是建立一个海关网站。 我们正在使用WSPBuilder式视力演播室添加物。 正在帮助我们执行该项目的咨询公司对此进行了调整,我很高兴这样做,将一体化周期降至可容忍的水平。


public class MarketSummaryWP : Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart
    string m_scriptBlockPre = "<script language= javascript > 
"+ // the beginning of the JavaScipt block 


this.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(this.Script));  

其次,我将文字改为私人,并创造了另一个财产,以持有存货编号清单。 通知本底部财产确实是洗衣物。

    //Script Property
    WebDescription("The JavaScript to insert in the page.")]
    public string Script
    get { return m_scriptBlockPre + m_stockSymbolsList + m_scriptBlockPost; }
    //set { ; }

    //Stock Symbol list Property
    [Personalizable(PersonalizationScope.User), WebBrowsable(true),
    WebDisplayName("Stock Symbols"),
    WebDescription("The stock symbols to retrieve quotes for, seperated by commas.")]
    public string StockSymbols
        get { return m_stockSymbolsList; }
        set { m_stockSymbolsList = value; }

    string m_stockSymbolsList = "GE,CAT,$DJI,AMR,JNJ,";

    string m_scriptBlockPost = " *other JavaScript code* </script> 

这给我带来了一个网站,可以添加到任何网页上,因为它位于网站。 为了添加一个使用静态的html网站部分的网页,你需要从一个可能使用电源的现成例子中获取JavaScipt栏,浏览到目标网页,增加一个静态超文本网的新例子,并修改其中,包括JavaScipt栏;每次。 这样,用户就只能从网站清单中挑选,而且他们本可以选择定制的股票。



差异是,我们没有作为网络单位/门户的任何单 j或共同项目页,而我们系统中的所有代码都是网门(现在的网络部分)。


So I can t give you an answer to 1. As we ve never done this.
However to convert form a BEA portal portlet to a SharePoint webpart can be a significant exercise, as you need to build them in a completely different way.


And for 3... it depends how complicated your portlet s are. If you want to keep them as portlet s/webparts then a complete rewrite is required unless you use a hack like a page viewer webpart... but then you re not really migrating, you just encapsulating your existing system with SharePoint on top.

I would say this is a large project, which needs careful planning to succeed.
I hope this helps.
