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Flex MXML 转换为 AS3,我的小课程有什么漏掉的吗?
  • 时间:2008-11-26 13:14:26
  •  标签:




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<BaseShape name="rectangle"


            import org.edorado.edoboard.view.components.shapes.IShape;
            import mx.events.FlexEvent;

            override public function drag(movePt:Point):void {
                this.width = movePt.x - this.x; 
                this.height = movePt.y - this.y; 
            Sorry, there is no text provided for me to translate into Chinese. Please provide the text you want me to translate.

            override public function updateFillColor(color:int):void {
                solidFill.color = color;
            Sorry, there is no text provided for me to translate into Chinese. Please provide the text you want me to translate.


    <degrafa:Surface >
        <degrafa:GeometryGroup id="geo">
                <degrafa:SolidFill id="solidFill" color="white" alpha="0.3"/>

                <degrafa:SolidStroke id="stroke1" color="white"/>

                fill = "{solidFillSorry, there is no text provided for me to translate into Chinese. Please provide the text you want me to translate."
                width="{widthSorry, there is no text provided for me to translate into Chinese. Please provide the text you want me to translate." 
                height="{heightSorry, there is no text provided for me to translate into Chinese. Please provide the text you want me to translate."
                stroke="{stroke1Sorry, there is no text provided for me to translate into Chinese. Please provide the text you want me to translate." />

我的 AS3 尝试

package org.edorado.edoboard.view.components.shapes { import com.degrafa.geometry.RegularRectangle; import com.degrafa.paint.SolidFill; import com.degrafa.paint.SolidStroke; import com.degrafa.GeometryGroup; import com.degrafa.Surface; import flash.geom.Point;

public class RectangleShape extends BaseShape 
    public var surface:Surface = new Surface(); 
    public var geoGroup:GeometryGroup = new GeometryGroup();
    public var solidFill:SolidFill = new SolidFill("white");
    public var solidStroke:SolidStroke = new SolidStroke("black");
    public var rect:RegularRectangle = new RegularRectangle(); 

    public static const name:String = "rectangle";

    public function RectangleShape() {

        solidFill.alpha = 0.3;
        rect.fill = solidFill;
        rect.stroke = solidStroke;
        rect.width = this.width;
        rect.height = this.height;
        geoGroup.geometry = [rect];
        geoGroup.draw(null, null); 
    Sorry, there is no text provided for me to translate into Chinese. Please provide the text you want me to translate.

    override public function drag(movePt:Point):void {

        this.width = movePt.x - this.x; 
        this.height = movePt.y - this.y; 
        trace( dragging  , this.width, this.height);
    Sorry, there is no text provided for me to translate into Chinese. Please provide the text you want me to translate.

    override public function updateFillColor(color:int):void {
        solidFill.color = color;
    Sorry, there is no text provided for me to translate into Chinese. Please provide the text you want me to translate.
Sorry, there is no text provided for me to translate into Chinese. Please provide the text you want me to translate.

Sorry, there is no text provided for me to translate into Chinese. Please provide the text you want me to translate.


Any obvious stuff i missed ? Thanks




BindingUtils.bindProperty(component, "height", this, "height"); 

I think i pinpointed the problem. Before in the mxml version we had

width="{width}" height="{height}"


But not in the AS version. i should try to reproduce the {width} and {height} in As. Any tool to convert mxml to as?

你添加了 RectangleShape 吗?
