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Windows Executable to run Java application deleted by anti virus scanner

I built a Java application that is delivered on USB sticks. To ensure compatibility, I ship an appropriate JVM on the sticks. I made an EXE that simply invokes this JVM with the application jar.

Now the problem: some virus scanners act aggressively and just remove the executable!

I tried an exe made with a "Batch file to Executable" tool and one written myself in C (invoking ShellExecute); both versions are detected and eliminated by Norton SONAR but I can imagine other virus scanners might react similarly.

I initially opted for a windows shortcut but these don t seem to support relative paths. A batch file is not acceptable either since I don t want the command console to be shown.


You could try using one of the many configurable java launchers - they may be less likely to be picked up by AVs:

(full disclosure: i work on winrun4j)


Use start/b java.exe ... in a batch file. There will be a short flicker but the window will quickly go away.

As for the virus scanner removing your file: Use a stick that has a hardware switch which can make it write protected. It s for your own safety: just because there is a virus scanner doesn t mean there is no virus. If no one can write to the stick, no one can mess with it.

If you launch your app using javaw.exe you shouldn t have an associated console window at all so that might get round the need to convert your bat file into an .exe.

You could also consider distributing your app as a Webstart app, whereby the associated jnlp file describes the minimum required version of the JVM.

Since the program won t have to change very often: Submit it as a false-positive to the AV vendors, then it will probably be white-listed quite rapidly. Or at least you might find out what it is that they find so objectionable.

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