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Receiving SMS sent from the WTK emulator in a custom application

I m using Sun WTK to run a midlet that needs to send and optionally receive SMS. WMA console can be used to send and receive messages to the midlet but I d like to do the same thing using my own application.

I have done some sniffing, and noticed that the messages are sent by UDP from the WMA console to the emulator.


After digging inside the jars in WTK I was able to figure out how to send and receive SMS. I had to include the jars kvem.jar and kenv.zip in the application classpath. Tested under Linux.

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, PhoneNumberNotAvailableException, InterruptedException {
    System.setProperty("kvem.home", "/home/jassuncao/usr/WTK2.5.2");
    WMAClient wmaClient = WMAClientFactory.newWMAClient(null, 4);
    wmaClient.setMessageListener(new MessageListener() {
        public void notifyIncomingMessage(WMAClient wmaclient) {
            try {
                System.out.println("Message received:"+wmaclient.receive());
            } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("This number "+wmaClient.getPhoneNumber());        
    String[] receivers = wmaClient.getKnownReceivers();        
    for (String receiver : receivers) {
        System.out.println("Sending SMS to "+receiver);         
        Message msg = new Message("Hello world!!");         
        //It seems the ports must be set AFTER the address to work


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