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dynamicaly adding textboxes to zend_form

I hope that this is a quick question to answer. I am developing a form using Zend_Form, I have a number of Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_Textboxs to add to this form dynamically.

These are added from rows in the database, e.g.

$count = 0;
            //we now loop through the skill types and add them to the form.
            foreach($skillResult as $skill){

                $skillTextBox = new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_ValidationTextBox( skill- .$count,
                    array( trim  => true,
                         NotEmpty  => true,
                         invalidMessage  =>  This can not be blank 
                $skillTextBox->addValidator( NotEmpty )
                    ->removeDecorator( DtDdWrapper )
                    ->removeDecorator( HtmlTag )
                    ->removeDecorator( Label );

                //add the element to the form.



The form is then displayed in a view script, that I need to extract however. As I do not know how many skill textboxes exist in the form I am not sure how I can loop through and add them to the view script. I would normally look at adding them to the viewScript in the following way:

<?php foreach($this->element->getElement( skill ) as skill) :?>
   <td><?php echo $skill;?></td>
<?php endforeach;?>

However I am getting an error message of Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

Am I going about this in a backward way and change my approach to this form or am I missing somthing here?

Thanks in advance...


If you are creating the form in a controller s action function, you can do something like this to tell your view script how many skill text boxes you added..

In controller:

$this->view->skillTextBoxCount = $count;

In view:

// the view is now "this"
$skillCount = $this-skillTextBoxCount;

You could also do something like this:

$elements = $form->getElements();
foreach($elements as $element) {
   if (strpos($element->getName(),  skill- ) === 0) { // must use === here
      // do something with your element


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