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XSS on jsbin.com

Anyone know if jsbin.com implements any protection for XSS or other javascript attacks?

I see jsbin links used fairly regularly on sites like this one and I can t find any indication from the site one way or another. If it does implement counter measures, what kinds of things does it block out. If not, I should probably be more careful about which links I choose to click.


I guess an unfriendly script could do a denial of service on jsbin by continually scripting a ‘save to public URL’ submission to clog the database up. And of course anyone could post a security hole exploit script which would infect people with old browsers and plugins; that might also get jsbin on Google s blocklist.

That s about all though... there are no user credentials to steal or nefarious things to do with people s accounts and privileges because there are no accounts or privileges.

I should probably be more careful about which links I choose to click.

Yes, that seems reasonable.



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