English 中文(简体)
无法将图像分配给图像 Array的观点,但可以把图像描绘成图像 A. 普遍定期审议变量的观点
原标题:Unable to assign images to an imageView from an Array, but can assign images to an imageView from a UIImage variable

I have a problem with arrays and passing images between views that I would like some help on! So the background is that I have:

• 根基 (处理我的意见)

• 处理表格中选定内容细节的通讯员

• 显示从通信观察台上点击的图像并允许用户从摄像机中选取不同的图像的排气机


• 在“通信记录员”中,如果用户点击ton子,我有以下代码:

- (IBAction) selectSlide:(id) sender
 if(self.selectSlideView == nil)
 SelectSlideViewController *viewController = [[SelectSlideViewController alloc]
           initWithNibName:@"SelectSlideViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
  self.selectSlideView = viewController;
  [viewController release];

 [self.navigationController pushViewController:self.selectSlideView animated:YES];
 self.selectSlideView.cmn = cmn;
 self.selectSlideView.title = cmn.name;
 self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage5;



• 因此,我修订后的法典如下,但它没有与阵列——任何想法——合作?

- (IBAction) selectSlide:(id) sender
 if(self.selectSlideView == nil)
 SelectSlideViewController *viewController = [[SelectSlideViewController alloc]
             initWithNibName:@"SelectSlideViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];
  self.selectSlideView = viewController;
  [viewController release];

 NSUInteger tmpInt = -1;
 tmpInt = [buttonArray indexOfObject:sender];

 [self.navigationController pushViewController:self.selectSlideView animated:YES];
 self.selectSlideView.cmn = cmn;
 self.selectSlideView.title = cmn.name;

 NSLog(@"The int was %d",tmpInt);
 NSLog(@"This is the image array size %d ",[imageArray count]); 

 If(tmpInt >-1 && tmpInt <9)
  self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = [imageArray objectAtIndex:tmpInt];
 /** this code works, but is a bit clunky:
 if(tmpInt == 0)
  self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage1;
 else if (tmpInt == 1)
  self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage2;
 else if (tmpInt == 2)
  self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage3;
 else if (tmpInt == 3)
  self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage4;
 else if (tmpInt == 4)
  self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage5;
 else if (tmpInt == 5)
  self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage6;
 else if (tmpInt == 6)
  self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage7;
 else if (tmpInt == 7)
  self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage8;
 else if (tmpInt == 8)
  self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = self.myImage9; 

我已肯定地确认,图像Aray的面积为9,正在从阵列中提取正确的指数,但是,如果从阵列中获取,选择性幻灯片确实显示图像。 如果使用“cl”词,则显示。



自选定幻灯以来 观点被装在刀子上,该观点第一次装上。


[selectSlideView view];

你们可以第一次尝试直接装上图像,然后在随后ache。 (我排除了打字法和扩展法,但你在获得图像后可以添加。)

   If(tmpInt >-1 && tmpInt <9)
      // Check if already cached
         self.selectSlideView.imageView.image = [self getButtonImages:tmpInt];
      // add scaling code here for smaller image



 - (UIImage) getButtonImages:(NSInteger)index
        UIImage* myImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image%d.jpg", index];
        return myImage;

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