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Internet Explorer only part loading JavaScript/CSS

I m having trouble with my local development environment where IE (6 through to 8) is only part loading JavaScript/CSS files. It throws random errors at random places in jquery.min.js every time I refresh, which suggested to me that it s trying to execute before it s finished loading or the connection was closed before it finished loading.

I ve looked at the responses using Charles and Apache is returning the correct content-length header for the files I m having trouble with but the text response is always truncated.

I also tried disabling g-zip compression, as I noticed that responses to IE don t have the Content-Encoding: g-zip header, but that breaks things in Firefox (in the same way) and doesn t fix the problem with IE.

I ve looked at my Apache config and it is no different to the staging server where I m not experiencing these issues.


I ve changed this line:

BrowserMatch bMSIEs(7|8) !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html

to this:

BrowserMatch MSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html

In my config and that seems to fix it, still not sure why it s working differently locally.

The directives causing the browser to load stuff - scripts, images, etc. are executed asynchronously. If your javascript is not self contained I mean relies on anything from any other file, you should not try to execute it using inline statements - you have no way of knowing whether this other file completed loading.

What you need to do is to trigger execution from the page loaded event

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